McConnell & Graham AINOs?

[What follows is a transcript of a short wave radio broadcast from where and when we do not know. The EDITORIAL concerning the more serious and substantive portion of the broadcast is halfway down.]

[Note:  The purpose of this blog is to enlighten, educate and  perhaps entertain the reader about music and other current and important issues.  Please see the very bottom of this blog post about the music and other links referenced herein.]


Good evenin’ folks

Stony Riva here at your service

with another edition of DJ Ltd

We’re gonna kick things off tonight

With an artist who’ve we’ve visited with

On more than one occasion.


And with good reason


He’s done some really great stuff


In fact, as we’ve said before

He was a member of one of the most

important songwriting teams in history


One that

According the the Oracle of Wiki

was largely responsible for the

“Motown” sound.


Holland Dozier and Holland


But let’s not rehash a bunch of ancient history

‘cos some great tunes are awaitin’


So… without further ado

Here is



Eddie Holland with  Candy to Me


Yeah that got us off on the right foot alright


Next up is yet another Motown legend.

An artist who really needs no introduction

Who really is one of the

greatest R&B and soul

singers and songwriters of all time

Writing a whole bunch of hits for artists

Like the Temptations, Marvin Gaye

And Mary Wells


He did his early hit work fronting

The Miracles

But later broke out on his own

And did this next mega hit


Here’s… none other than++


Smokey Robinson with  Cruisin



Alright, now that we’re in sort of kicked back mode

Time to put on a tune

For people who…

…shall we say

….like to partake


If you read the history of our next group

It would sound one heck of a lot like

you’re readin’ about the Grateful Dead.


And you’d be pretty much right to think that

Simply because the history of our next band

Is very tied to the Dead

And to Jerry Garcia himself

Who originally played in this band

Before ultimately leaving to join the band

That really made him famous


That and the fact that we aim to please

Our country music fans

Would seem to make our next tune

The perfect fit for our show tonight


So now it’s time to enjoy


The New Riders of the Purple Sage

Doin’ none other than

Panama Red



Well, now that everybody’s had their ration of

Panama Red

Yinz is all in a fittin’ state of mind

For our next tune.

Particularly the art show at the beginnin’

Of our next tune.


And for it

we’re still in the neighborhood

so to speak


once again we’re

in the City by the Bay

The city where

If Yinz have ever visited it

Will steal your heart


I mean Tony B left his heart there



Most people don’t know it

But our next artist was with

A band called the Great Society

Not the Airplane

when she wrote

White Rabbit


It was also while she was with the Great Society

That that great tune

Somebody to Love

was written by Darby Slick

Who was the brother

Of Grace’s husband


In fact, the first time I was in Frisco

I flew into Oakland,

And while drivin’ my rental across

The Bay Bridge to the City by the Bay

Somebody to Love actually came on the radio

…a blue skied beautiful

…cool breeze   62 degrees outside

….windows down

… Golden Gate off to my right

The man upstairs was definitely smilin’

Down on ole Stony at that moment

..boy did I crank up the radio…

It was truly a surreal and very memorable moment


Anyway I digress


But this next song

And no…it’s not Somebody to Love [darn it]

is a tune

That Guru says he’s become quite addicted to

And it once again illustrates

That Ms. Slick

Is not only super cool

But that she could indeed write a tune


But Patient folks

it takes about 15 seconds

For this tune to start.


Either that or yinz can

Move things along and simply put

The ole needle down at the 14 second mark.


So Turn down the lights,

light up your Red

and enjoy…


Grace Slick & the Great Society   Grimly Forming


Ewww baby that was cool gruuuuuvvvy and all that

Old hippie stuff.

And the more I listen to that tune

the more I like it.






Which …speakin’ of Great Societies

Brings us to our next segment

Take it away Rufus….




It’s gotten to the point where those who still have a profound sense of belief in the rule of law, a reasonable and more traditional interpretation of powers of the Presidency and a basic sense of decency have cause to just throw their collective hands up in despair and give up.  Does integrity and intellectual honesty not matter anymore?  Shouldn’t we insist that our leaders set a good example if not for ourselves then for our children?  In short, if our leaders, particularly the leaders of the major political parties and/or someone running for, or holding the office of President, do not have integrity and do not set an example showing everyone how vitally important it is that everyone, including themselves, obey the law, then the floodgates have been opened to future societal condonation of outright corruption in government.  Moreover, and equally bad, if integrity is not required of our politicians then, the door is left open to allowing them to lie, cheat and do whatever is necessary to gain and increase their own power all at the expense of the other institutions of our government.


In short, by not demanding that our elected leaders have integrity we, our children and all of our descendants are letting democracy slip away.  And, by doing so, our government will henceforth become much like a banana republic, or a Russian or Chinese style democracy in name only.


In these highly volatile and dangerous times, Americans, and particularly all voters must have the right set of priorities or our democracy will fail.   It’s okay to disagree on whether there’s too much regulation.  It’s okay to take the position that taxes should be reduced and/or that this or that program should be abolished.  It’s okay to say that government is too big.  It’s okay to disagree about abortion.  It’s okay to want to reduce immigration and/or fix the border. These are all issues where reasonable people might differ.  It is, however, submitted that all of these issues are of secondary importance to the absolute paramount need for integrity and observance of and obedience to the rule of law and our Constitution as reasonably and traditionally interpreted.


Moreover, this paramount need for adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law is also paramount to any consideration over whether inflation, unemployment and/or the economy was better or worse under the current or past Presidential administrations. It’s also more important than trying to assign credit or blame for the situation is in Ukraine, Gaza, the Middle East, Taiwan or anywhere else.

Presidents are no different than anyone else.  They make mistakes.  However, if they are otherwise sensible people who have integrity and the best interests of the nation at heart they can often correct the situation. For example, President Biden, in the last several months has tried very hard to stiffen his policy on our southern border and actually reached a deal with many Republican to implement stricter immigration programs that the Republicans themselves have traditionally proposed.  This was before the whole deal was scuttled by Trump simply for selfish 2024 election-related reasons.


Simply put, acceptance of criminal acts and corruption is more than merely objectionable, it is reprehensible to the point of being treasonous.  Why?  Because acceptance of crime in our elected politicians will eventually cause the collapse of democracy in this country.  Those who vote for or support a convicted felon because it is in their own self-interest to do so, will have demonstrated that they have the type of character who is willing to sell out their country for a pocketful of gold. In short, they are in a sense acting exactly as traitors act.


Liberty and the maintenance of democracy are not free.  Just ask our combat veterans.  Doing the right thing is often more difficult and costly than just getting along and/or trying to enrich oneself and/or live an easier life.


Having said the foregoing, readers of this article will have a very good idea of what the author thinks of Senators Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell after they made the statements to the effect that they would support Trump even if he’s convicted of a felony. Those statements should alarm every freedom loving American.


Naturally, the existing criminal cases against Trump have to be tried in court before it can be said that Trump is a felon.  And this assumes, of course, that Trump is convicted. However, one article states:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he’ll still support Donald Trump even if he’s convicted of felonies between now and the 2024 presidential election in November.



And if that’s not bad enough, there’s Mitch McConnell:


“Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)… previously said that there was no question that former President Donald Trump was “practically and morally responsible” for provoking the January 6 US Capitol insurrection despite the Senate voting to acquit Trump for inciting the riot…”  (See video.  Nevertheless, and despite this, Senator McConnell has recently turned completely around and endorsed Trump for President in 2024. See


Can there be a more serious crime against democracy in America than making an overt attempt to overturn the results of a valid election?  Doing so amounts to an attempted coup.   But that is exactly what Senator McConnell himself said Trump tried to do on January 6, 2021.  And, as we understand it, McConnell’s justification for doing so is that he’s got to do what he’s got to do in order to support the Republican Party!


It simply leaves one dumbfounded that the primary objective should be preserving or enhancing the power of one’s own political party.  That’s what corrupt power hungry politicians and political parties do.  The number one priority should and must  always be to preserve our democracy under the Constitution.  All else is secondary or both our democracy and our nation are sunk.


If the definition of a true American is someone who is dedicated to a profound belief in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law then the question is:  Can it be that McConnell and Graham are, to tweak a now famous acronym, Americans in name only (AINOs)?


You can  read more on this subject at:

Click here for more on McConnell Graham Endorse Trump


This is Rufus Coldwater

DJ Ltd Station Manager




Thanks so much Rufus


Yes folks we do read our mail

And as hard as it is to believe

We do get criticized from time to time


One criticism is that we don’t play

Enough later 70s stuff


All I’ll say is disco


GURU and Stony are kinda biased

Of course

Because after  the many serious

Social causes and the Vietnam War

Of the 60s and early 70s

..all of which greatly affected

The music of our era

And hence, our

Taste in tunes…

The disco era

And frankly

Almost Everything after it

Seemed and still seems somehow a little plastic

…even good tunes often seem

Like you’re looking at a beautiful woman

With tons of natural beauty

Who for some ungodly reason

is wearing too much makeup


But …we hear Yinz

We hear Yinz


So, for all the late 70s fans out there

Our next tune is one that

We can all agree is an

Oldie but a goodie.


According to the Oracle of Wiki

Paul Roberts the leader

Of our next band

Apparently had hay fever

And so the band’s manager suggested

The bands name

Which is…


Sniff ‘n the Tears

Here doin’ their big hit  Driver’s Seat



Boy if that doesn’t bring back some memories.


But let’s keep our toes a tappin’

With tonight’s wind-up tune

And yes

Yes indeedy

It’s one that little Suzi has

Once again

brought us

From down in the garage


Our cleanup group tonight is originally from

Annapolis Maryland and apparently they

Were pretty big in the DC/Baltimore area

Back in them bad-ass 60s….


so I think Yinz’ll enjoy


The Mad Hatters  with  I Need Love


Yeah that hit the spot alright

…that very definitely hit the spot.


I hope everyone enjoyed

Tonight’s show


I’m told that Caddy’s isn’t expected to

Resume full scale musical operations until

At least May 23


And so…what can I say?


GURU says it all feels like

We’re Livin’ in the twilight zone.


But…we’ll survive

…I guess…

..after all


…we have to…


So, for GURU, Suzi

And me,

I’m Stony Riva


Yinz are the best


Thanks for listen’

Thanks for watchin’


Until next time


And don’t let the bed bugs bite.





All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  Some factual background was provided by

articles on the various artists and other topics discussed herein by Wikipedia.


No part of this blog was written by artificially intelligent software.



(c) Copyright 2024*;  David Dixon Lentz;  All Rights Reserved.

*Copyright claim does not apply to any music or other content linked hereto.

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