Investing Jan 2018-The Stock Market and Bitcoin

  [Opinion/Analysis. ] Here’s a video containing a short discussion about the stock market, interest rates and Bitcoin as of Martin Luther King day in January 2018. As always we believe in a long term diversified approach to investing. Trying to time the market or pick individual stocks is probably not the best idea if Read More …


Please see the basic, hopefully educational video by David Dixon Lentz (or, as he prefers just David Lentz) above. It is intended to accurately convey information and/or theories which, we believe are either readily accepted as being valid by accredited colleges and universities and/or have an objective rational basis that justifies further investigation by those Read More …

Free Trade, Protectionism and Jobs

What is all this talk about backing out of trade deals? Are trade deals and free trade good or bad? What about long term trade deficits? Will they ultimately destroy the US Economy? Does free trade contribute to a widening wage and wealth gap? Who is the World Trade Organization and is it ultimately beneficial Read More …

A Stock’s Intrinsic Value: To buy or sell

[N]ew and improved video on buying and selling stocks.  It would apply to any common stock whether listed on publicly-traded NYSE-Euronext Group, the Nasdaq part of the publicly-traded NASDAQ-OMX Group or elsewhere (or whether it is unlisted for that matter). This one deals with how to calculate a stock’s intrinsic value.  One then compares the intrinsic value as calculated to the actual stock price. If the intrinsic value is greater than the current stock price the investor buys. If the intrinsic value is less than the current stock price then one sells the stock. Read More …

Efficient Market Hypothesis versus Stock Picking

A discussion of the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Generally speaking, many (perhaps most) respected  academics believe that the stock market and the direction of individual stock prices is so difficult to predict that unless one has (often illegal) insider information, that the most educated and skilled investor cannot beat the returns that an amateur rookie would receive on his investments if the amateur randomly selected stocks knowing nothing at all. Read More …