Hooray !   At long long last training is complete.  Well at least we accomplished most of our training goals.  So, we are off to Pittsburgh, but not without some nagging questions.  Will we line up at the right weight?  Are we suffering from any lingering dings or injuries?  What will the weather in Pittsburgh Read More …

10 Plus Days til Marathon

      Here’s our latest installment.  Just a little over a week to go until the Dick’s Sporting Goods 2019 Pittsburgh Marathon.  This is for everyone but Senior runners can benefit the discussion by David Dixon Lentz who will attempt to finish the marathon at the age of 64 years, 10 months.  Senior running, Read More …

4 Weeks Until Marathon

  Here’s the latest on our Dick’s Sporting Goods 2019 Pittsburgh Marathon Training.  Only four weeks to go.  Big challenges lie ahead.  But we are still intending to line up and run it.  In this video we talk about our latest physical and mental challenges and what we intend to do about them.  Time is short.  Read More …


BALANCE…Diet and Exercise: Caloric Miscalculation  12.15.18   Got on the scale this morning, Saturday December 15th.   Sheer devastation.  I weighed 202.4 pounds.  This after a 199.pound weigh-in eight days ago.  Worse, my objective was a flat 198.  Now, admittedly I changed my feast date etc due to the forecast of a substantial snowfall for 12/09/18 Read More …

The Fed, Interest Rates and GDP

Here’s a video that directly addresses how the Federal Reserve Board sets interest rates in an attempt to bolster employment, stave off excessive inflation and stabilize long term interest rates.  David Dixon Lentz discusses the inter-relationship between fiscal and monetary policy and how they affect Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Of course, no discussion is complete Read More …

Fiscal Policy & Physical Conditioning

Here’s an updated discussion on Fiscal Policy and its affects on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and of course, jobs and inflation.   What is “full employment, and when will inflation kick in? Of course, we are also interested in balance, which for our purposes, means health and fitness.  See our host attempt 70 push-ups and a Read More …

Weight Loss, Exercise and Running

Everyone wants to lose weight.   Can you feast and overindulge.  Can the elderly still stay active? Here’s one way to do it. …from someone who is….let’s just say…older than 59….  A diet that is very easy to understand.  It allows for an indulgent “feast” day.  But one must be willing to fast as well.  Moderate Read More …

The Brothers Karamazov v Rao’s Solution

[Book Reviews/Analysis.] Dostoevsky’s classic novel,”The Brothers Kazamarov”, really goes to heart of what this website is about.  Faith versus reason. Ancient assumptions, articles of faith, (and sometimes prejudicial ones at that) versus what can be discerned through rational, objective and scientific analysis based on an objective determination of the facts.   In contrast to the often Read More …

2018 First Half Wrap Up

  [Analysis.] A quick review of the first half of the year 2018.  We provide an assessment of the stock market.  We touch on the recent Supreme Court union dues case (Janus), we note the relevance of Rao’s Solution and, ever mindful of the need for “balance” we address our personal health and do….ahem….72 pushups….yes Read More …