Tick’s Note & Tunes: Brr Rice Lowe

[Note:  The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good ole man-made music. ]

Hey folks

Stony and the gang here

With yet another evenin’

Of thrills chills and great tunes


So let’s get us goin’


We kick it off tonight

By goin’ up Nawth

Nawthern England that is

For a pretty darned famous

American hit that was big

On both sides of the big pond

Way back

This song was written

..according to the Oracle of Wiki

By a civil rights activist

Oscar Brown back in 1963


Then our first performer made it

A huge hit here in the states in 1968


But enough talk

let’s just dig

Al Wilson  and  The Snake




Next up we have a situation that frankly

Is a little confusing because…

If I read what a source named

Old Music Johnny says correctly, he

Indicates that this next tune was done under an alias

That the real artist/singer of this next tune

Is really none other than

Thelonious Sphere Monk himself


Old Music Johnny says:

Monk’s name is synonymous with the creation

of modern jazz; many of his compositions are jazz standards


and his life’s work especially in jazz

was recognized by President Jimmy Carter


in fact, according to the Oracle of Wiki

“Monk is the second-most-recorded jazz composer after

Duke Ellington”


But here his doin’ his thing in a slightly different genre

Usin’ the nom de guerre

Ernie Washington

Performin’ a tune called

Lonesome Shack




Yeah, that was definitely worthy of a legend.


Alright movin’ on…

We’re gonna get downright modern here

We’re actually gonna move

All the way up into the 1980s


This guy was once the hubby

Of Johnny Cash’s step daughter.


He’s probably best known for his hit

“Cruel to be Kind”

So that means

If Yinz are old enough to remember

That you probably saw him

Like I did

on MTV

Back in its very early days….


Here’s Nick Lowe with

One’s Too Many




Yeah, that tune has definitely got

somethin’ goin for it


Okay…this just in…

Folks.  There will be no editorial tonight

We understand that our station manager

Rufus Coldwater is out

doin’ some fairly intensive research

on …of all things…

Alien visitation.



Look folks….I just work here

So I’ll just shut my mouth

Spin a few records

and do what I’m told


And soooo



Movin’ on.


Ok Next, we are gonna listen to

Yet another true legend.

This one was born in Danville Virginia

And is a member of the

International Bluegrass Hall of Fame

And he’s one heckuva geeetar player


And, by the way

by now

All of Yinz know that GURU

Is absolutely obsessed with

Geeetttar playin’ technique

Especially the pinky anchoring issue

With the right hand, that is


And lo and behold

Tony does NOT anchor!!


Holy Mother of …. !!


See Guru…all is not lost..

You are, in fact,

in very good company

With that loose flappin pinky of yours


Here…see for Yinzselves


Church Street Blues  with Tony Rice




Okay Okay Okay

I said Okay Suzi



Folks Suzi here is  practically beating me over the head

With the vinyl of the next tune.

I’m not familiar with it

But Suzi says she’s just crazy about it.


It’s yet another 60s wonder

That she dug up in the garage


…er….no?  No?


No, correction

Suzi says a friend of hers

Said her …..geeesshhh

…her Granddad owned it


Okay Okay Okay

Folks, I guess we are gonna just have

to trust Suzi on this one

She says it’s absolutely great


It’s by a Scottish band back in those

Glorious 60s



Let’s all enjoy


The Poets with   Wooden Spoon




Okay, alright,

As usual

Suzi does a great job.

She is soooo wonderful…

[loud smitten-sounding sigh]


Well, lookin’ at the big round smiley face on the wall

(for those of Yinz that actually remember wall clocks)

The big hand is pointin’ one way

And the little hand another

But when ya put em together

They add up to one thing


It’s just about time to go


But we do have time for one more tune


And tonight it’s gonna be

From one of GURU’s musical heroes.

Let’s see here….hmmm


Very interesting


GURU is texting me as I speak

And he says that he just discovered

This version of our last tune

last night


And lo and behold

He now thinks that

This tune…a different version of which

We played a long long time ago

Was actually going to be part of


…but it apparently didn’t make the cut.


We’re talkin’ The Who here.


Anyway…seems we’re gonna hear

A “demo” version of this tune.


In this instance “demo” meaning

That our rock god …Pete T himself

Put this together and

GURU thinks must have submitted it

To the Who for inclusion on


But for whatever it was excluded

From the final cut of the album.


Now mind you our guy Pete T

Plays all of the instruments, keyboards

Guitar, drums etc. on this track

(dubbing over tracks very probably

At his home studio)

..which of course, is all kinda in keeping

With Suzi’s love affair with

Our garage


And, in any event,

and according to GURU

…we hear the man himself

Pete T that is

Doin’ some serious jammin’

….albeit with himself !


The tune is called simply

….”Brr”   as in cold (I guess)


Anyway…here’s Mr. Townshend himself

All by himself

With a tune that for a variety of reasons

Just amazes me




Folks, all I can say is…

If I could write like that

If I could play  even one instrument

half as good as PT did on that tape

I’d die a happy man.


Alright!!  that’s gonna do it


So, for Rufus, GURU, Suzi

… and, if he’s around here somewhere


I’m Stony Riva


Yinz are the best


Thanks for listen’

Thanks for watchin’


Until next time


And remember…

…don’t let the bed bugs bite.





All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  Some factual background was provided by

articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of www.reasonandbalance.com on the “contact” or “contact us” page.