U.S. Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith has just filed a new Motion, on behalf of  the U.S. government, disclosing vitally important new evidence in Trump’s January 6th Capitol riot case.  The motion asks the Court  to rule on the whether some  of Trump’s alleged acts were “official” acts or acts as a private citizen, the latter being crimes the former being exempt from prosecution as covered by executive privilege under the recent Supreme Court ruling.  A discussion of new Motion and a link to the Motion itself are provided in second (middle) portion of the blog post below. Thus all the reader has to do is click on the appropriate link below and they can read the actual motion itself.

Here’s the blog post:

[Editor’s Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is in 3 parts.

(1.)The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post) tonight it’s New Evidence Against Trump (Based on the Federal Government’s Motion for Immunity Determinations filed October 2, 2024) ; and (3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]


Hey folks Stony here.

Well, the rest of the station has gone on strike

Same old same old

Management just a tad stingy


I feel bad for busting the picket line tonight


But there’s too much crap goin’ on

Out there

In the big bad world


Frankly I’m scared

I kinda need somethin’ to do

Sorta share

I don’t wanna get all touchy feely here but…..

You know.


Just reachin’ out


I happened to have this higga ma jigger

Really its quite ancient


Back in the day it was known as an 8 track


It’s a tape

Very bulky


Doesn’t give you very much of a chance

To skip around on tunes

Ya just slip it in the slot

And it plays from start to finish

And ya gotta listen to it all in order



I happened to have made my own

Back in 71

Back when we had about half a million men

Fightin’ a very unpopular war

In Vietnam


Nowadays we got

Bombing after bombing

Skirmish After skirmish

War after war

Ukraine, the Middle East and whatnot

Who knows where all this is leadin’


Anyway Vietnam

caused a lot of societal division

just like today.

And we lost one hell of a lot of good men


So I’m just gonna slip this baby in here

And her play front to back.

Then I’ll play tape 2 when that’s done


Why am I doin’ this

Well, suffice it to say that

This tape kinda expresses how I’m feelin’ about everything


So, in any event

And  without further ado

Here we go.,….




Well let’s give credit and/or blame

Where credit and/or blame is due

That was…

In order

Jethro Tull with My God

Edwin Starr with War

And Jefferson Airplane with Somebody to Love


——————————– —————————————-

Okay folks normally Rufus Coldwater would be giving us his opinion on matters trivial, however he’s not here, so all I can really do is what I can do.


As everyone may know, the U.S. Department of Justice’s special prosecutor in the Trump case , namely Jack Smith, has filed a new motion in Court regarding the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol in the days immediately preceding the swearing in of Joe Biden after the 2020 election.  I don’t want to exaggerate but It’s difficult to imagine a more important motion in our nation’s history than Jack Smith’s new motion.  It addresses the concerns of the Supreme Court in its most recent decision this past summer. Smith’s motion sets forth some startling new evidence of what exactly occurred during the Capitol riots and Vice President Mike Pence’s attempt to conduct the official electoral vote count that would have (and ultimately did) certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election.


Of tremendous importance is the fact that the government’s new motion (Smith’s motion) brings to light evidence not previously presented.  The government was forced to do this because of the Supreme Court’s ruling this past summer that Trump is immune from prosecution for crimes committed while he was performing “official acts” as President.  The new evidence cited in this new government motion is intended to show that Trump was not acting in his official capacity when he committed many of the crimes he is charged with.  The entire story is simply spine chilling in a couple of instances and is ultimately very disturbing because one can clearly see how fragile our democracy is.  But I’ll leave to all of you folks to read about it yourself because I don’t want to exaggerate or mislead anyone.


Simply put, however, the stakes for the continuance of democracy in the upcoming 2024 election could not be higher. And if you don’t believe that then read Jack Smith’s motion.  In short, all Americans, especially those who are even remotely considering a vote for Trump must read the Department of Justice’s new (Oct. 2, 2024) motion in the Trump criminal case.  Not to do so, simply put, is a vote to recklessly endanger, if not destroy, democracy in this country.


Mr. Smith’s new filing can be read by clicking on the following links:


Link to the actual new Motion filed by the federal government:


Or just cut and paste the following into your browser:



A PBS story on Jack Smith filing can be seen at:


Here is an interview done with Professor Lawrence Tribe about Smith’s new motion.  This is a very important interview to listen to because Tribe is universally recognized as one of the top Constitutional Law experts in the country by almost all lawyers.  This is because Tribe’s Constitution Law casebook was the textbook their professors assigned to them when they were in law school.


Alright enough of all that serious stuff

Time for some fun

And more tunes


But what’s this ?…..


Well, folks, guess who just brung me

My very very fav Pizza

….a glorious White one

No  tomatoes on this bad boy

And yes I luv them anchovies

And lots of onions and shrooms

And smothered With feta cheese

Ewee baby…yummy good


Yes, Yinz guessed it

I can thank

Our very own

A-1 Executive Assistant


Of Everything

Ms. Suzi

For fighten her way thru the picket line

And giving me this glorious pie


But there’s a catch

She says

That some of Yinz folks might be

Thinkin’ that ole Stony

Has gotten a little too serious here

So, before givin’ me my Pizza

She made me promise to play these next

Two tunes


And by dingies they are actually from

The 2020s !!!

Little Suz is a thoroughly modern Millie


And Suz may find this hard to believe

But I’m actually familiar with this band



This band is originally from Kansas

Is fronted by a super talented gal

Named little Miss Sadie Morningstar

Trust me you’ll remember her

But they’ve since moved to England

…to a town there called Bristol I believe


And let me tell Yinz

Little Miss Morningstar

Not only plays a smokin hot

’59 Danoelectric Geeeetttarr

But she’s absolutely perfectamundo

…just perfect

I can really dig on her and her band


But I’ll let everyone judge for themselves


As little Ms. Sadie would say


“Now I gotta man who loves me

…..And a boyfriend too

I don’t luv em near as much

As a new tattoo

…cos I’m a red hot mama

Gonna get me a

New tattoo…..NEW TATTOO !…….”


By dingies Shazam and wowwie gazowee

little Miss Morningstar

Can sing it oh so well…can’t she?


She can definitely bring home the bacon.


And like all precocious youngsters

She’s inquisitive


And like all bad girls

She has a soul that

Probably…as Sadie says…

…. can’t be saved


But while some of Yinz boyz out there

May think you know how to love her

As she puts it

She has a more important question


…can ya give her a thrill?!+

…just a little thrill ?!”


I don’t know about Yinz but she sure gives me a thrill.

How she gets that great fuzzy sound

out of single coil pickups on her Danoelectric

I don’t know

But I love it

I just love her gggeeetttarr playin’

And I especially love her

Impish stage presence

And devilish ambience


She’s kinda like a

very precocious

Younger sister

Who takes no prisoners

When venturing out into the world


The Mudd Club is definitely goin’ places.

And if I didn’t say it the title of those two tunes were

New Tattoo

And Gimme a Thrill


Well, folks Rufus ain’t here to keep me on track

But I can see from the clock on the wall

that we are about to

Get cut off

So, let’s see if I can come up

With an appropriate Wind Up selection

Melding our two halves this evenin’



Come to think of it

I think I can


Here’s our now very old

But dear dear friend once again

I.A. with the rest of JT

With just the tune

That kinda sums up

Any rebellious teenager’s attitude


That, of course, was Jethro Tull

With  a tune called


Wind Up


Well that does it folks

We are plain outta time


This is Stony Riva

For Suzi

Sayin’ good night

Don’t let the Bed Bugs Bite

And let me add

Don’t forget tonight’s homework.


See ya later.







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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  They are not contained on our site. Some factual background was provided by articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of on the “contact” or “contact us” page.  Any singer, instrumentalist, band, musician, painter, photographer, music publisher or other artist or company of any type who owns or otherwise has appropriate legal rights to any music or other copyrighted material of any type linked on this site should just contact us and we will promptly remove same from this blog.


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