New Feature: Tick’s Notes n Tunes (TNnT)



Beginning November 2, 2022 we introduce a new feature to our site.   Tick’s Notes n Tunes.

This will be a regular blog post consisting of a “balance” (of course) of highlights and analysis  of  news items appearing on the internet, television, print news or wherever.  In addition, and to make the day more bearable, hopefully, we will thrown in a few musical suggestions for your listening pleasure.


Tick is your host.   A few of the posts will actually consist of excerpts from his  old newsletter.


Stay tuned and enjoy.


First the news.




Biden says that the future of democracy could hang on next week’s midterm election.  He said that those who denied the legitimacy of the 2020 election were putting America on a path to chaos.


Disturbingly, in England, there are indications that Covid related death rates are soaring again.  Not  sure where this is heading. Deaths are always tragic.  Is that going to happen here?  Are we going to have a repeat of  2020?


The Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate ¾ of one percent.  And indicated that although future rate hikes may not be as large, or as quickly implemented, that they  are probably on the horizon all for the purpose of getting inflation back to the Fed’s target rate of 2%.


In Pennsylvania, a crucial state regarding whether Republicans or Democrats will control Congress, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court announced that undated or misdated mail in ballots won’t be counted.  So, who is more likely to fall into that category?   Democrats or Republicans?  How is that going to  affect the crucial Pennsylvania race for U.S. Senate: Fetterman v Oz?



In Brazil Bolsonaro (a Trump admirer) indicates that he will cooperate with the transfer of  power to  Lula da Silva. So, it appears that he is not going to contest the validity of Lula’s election.  It’s good to see that right leaning and left leaning politicians can cooperate to  peacefully transfer power.  Chalk one up to democracy.   Let’s hope that America can follow that example in 2024.





Okay time for some diversion.  So let’s bring in our DJ….Tick to help get us through the day….


Wow in looking at the R&B hits for that

Year…it may well have been the greatest

Year in music ever

Between the super duper

Motown artists and others

It was just a gigantically super year for music


just listening to the 1966 R&B hits

put me in the mood


In the interests of broadening our horizons

…as you know  I insist on

Expanding our base of musical appreciation


let’s listen to one of the

The lesser known tunes that I like

From that year





or maybe


Anyway 1966,

Ah yes….1966

That was a watershed year


ran across this next video

and it  made me….

….well…we’ll just let

one the greatest pure singers ever

say it for me

because the whole 1966 thing just

makes me….


(at the end of the video he makes brief

Mention of the fact that he was an outstanding athlete too !)


But wow what a great great singer JM was/is

(he’s over 86  years old now)


That’s it for today folks …see ya next time.   Thanks for visiting.