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It’s hard to be truly objective about one’s own content.  However, more times than we would care to admit we have been disappointed in the viewership of some the videos and blog posts we’ve published.  What really concerns us is that many times this disappointment has come with respect to videos and content that we thought were the most important that we’ve ever tried to publish.  And what gives us the greatest pause for concern is that sometimes we have felt that the low viewership and/or clicks was due to the subject matter of the video and/or that we were criticizing or saying something that was against the economic/political interests of the elites and/or the very powerful parties that have a lot of control and/or influence over the means of communication, including the internet.

Could it be that our consistent attacks against oligarchs, plutocrats and would-be dictators has hurt our viewership?  Could this be because oligarchs largely control the internet and the airways?  Same question, but with respect to our often expressed worries about, and criticisms of, artificial intelligence–after all, these same parties have billions invested in it?

Another concern is that we are beginning to believe that the major site that publishes videos is actually regulating/limiting the number of video “views” it will allow a particular publisher like  It seems that no longer are we permitted to have more than a certain number of views for any of our videos. We say this because we will publish videos and the views/clicks will accumulate fairly quickly and then, when we get to a certain number of views or clicks (and it’s always the same number), all of a sudden and for no apparent reason, the video will stop getting clicks.  And this can be true in just a few hours after the video is first published.

In any event, on this page we are going to re-post some of what we think are our most important and best videos that have not gotten enough views–at least in our opinion.

Here’s our first entry.  We posted this late on Friday 03/21/25.   It got no views.  We consider this to be the core of our entire political belief system.  Essentially, what we’re willing to fight over.    It’s embarrassing, maddening and somewhat insulting when no one watches it.  However, you are invited to do so, so please do by clicking (with our thanks) the link below:  (It was originally titled “Sermon on the Eve of Destruction” then “The Sermon From a Foxhaole” but we retitled it to be a little more upbeat, all with some, but limited success.)   Here’s the link:

On March 22, 2025, we took an important issue into our own hands and actually decided to ask ChatGPT 4.5 what the chances were that Trump was under “undue” Russian influence, which CHAT defines as anything that compromises or seriously interferes with independent decision making of the President beyond normal political considerations (and which would cause the President to put a foreign country’s interests ahead of that of the U.S.) including blackmail, coercion, threat of disclosing sensitive information and the like.  It would include being a planted Russian agent.   Here is what we came up with:


We may ultimately develop a separate page for topics and videos like the following.  We’ve become a real fan of  this next lady.  Why?  Interestingly she’s a Russian, who about 20 years ago immigrated to this country.   Agree or disagree with her, she’s charming and more importantly, extremely intelligent and insightful.  All Americans should listen to how much folks from other countries, especially Russians, appreciate our democracy and the freedoms it allows.

So, with that being said let’s give Elvira Bary a listen:

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