Economic Comparison: Trump v Biden

[Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes.  The purpose of this blog is to enlighten and educate the reader about music and other current and important issues.  It opens with the transcript of the first half of the radio program (complete with music links)), then there’s a break for the editorial/article about the Economic Result Comparison (Trump v Biden)  and then it finishes with the second-half of the music portion of the radio broadcast.]

Good evenin’ folks

Stony here


This is a special weekend for some of the staff

Here at DJ Ltd

And the significance of that is

That we are gonna have to cut

Tonight’s show a little shorter than usual.


But I promise that the quality won’t suffer.


Not on ole Stony’s watch it won’t.


But let’s get this show on the road.


Quoting from a Facebook post

By somebody with the handle

“ Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show”…..

He states:


“The Dirty Wurds were a teenage band from

Chicago (age 16-17) who cut their teeth together

playing bluegrass (!) then went in the beat direction.

According to the liner notes from Pebbles,

they would regularly open for national acts and

practically cause riots! Not surprising, as this song

is probably the earliest, nastiest nascent punk record.”


Here’s Dirty Wurds  with Why


Ewww .  I really liked that!


And we can all thank Suzi for

Goin’ down to the garage

In our dark, dank basement

All by her pretty little lonesome self

Findin’ this and then

leavin’ it on my desk

Before she left tonight.


Isn’t she wonderful?


She’s just the best that ever was!


Okay up next

is a band that frankly

I’m uncertain that the research

I’ve been given on them

Is right


So, unfortunately, I’ve got to pass

And just let yinz dig on some great funky music


That was Shock with “Let’s Get Crackin”


Next we have a true country legend

I mean we are talkin’

Country music royalty here

Doin’ a fun tune that I know

You’ll all enjoy


And it seems quite appropo

Given that this is a festive weekend

For the staff here at the station


That of course, was inimitable George Jones

With his great hit  White Lightning


Okay time to call in our station manager Rufus Coldwater

With his important words of wisdom


It’s all yours Rufus….


Hey folks Rufus Coldwater here:


I’m not a professional economist but I ran across this interesting report and I thought I’d share it.  Here’s the link:

A couple of points.  Data can sometimes be misleading and sometimes it even gets revised.  Moreover, economists have been known to disagree with one another.  Moreover there is an interesting article on on how much credit and/or blame Presidents should get when it comes to analyzing economic data simply because there are other important actors that are involved, particularly the Federal Reserve, Congress and world events like Covid and the war in Ukraine. Not only that but there are also lag factors to consider.  Rarely does a change in policy or an event have an instantaneous effect on the economy.  Sometimes it takes a few months or so for any event or change in policy to work its way through the economy. And beyond all of this, it has to be remembered that once inflation occurs and prices have risen, there’s almost nothing any President can do to increase wages to bring them back in line with newer higher price levels.  That’s totally up to whatever employers and employees can work out.

In any event, it is essential that any debate be fact based.  This is particularly true in  this polarized hyper-partisan era of American and world politics.  And, at least this video gives people a starting point when it comes to analyzing and debating the economy.

By the way, the raw numbers comparing GDP, the federal deficits, prevailing interest rates, inflation and unemployment can be found at:

That’s it for now.  Back to you Stony.



Thanks Rufus.  We are back.


Next we visit some ole friends

I can’t help it  I find these Russkies

To be totally fascinating.


Let me tell yinz somethin’

Oleg could show Dick Dale a thing or two with his

Machine gun  a/k/a  tremolo pickin’

Man, at about the 1:40 mark of this next tune

he goes into

About 19 seconds worth of the most fierce

Tremolo picking Yinz will ever see.


Oleg really is a stunning guitar player.


And Zombie gal…well…

Zombie gal has gotten more

Air time here on DJ Ltd

Then the next 10 babes combined.


Let me just ask yinz guyz out there


How would you like to be Oleg

And travel all over the world

And have Zombie girl as your travel companion?


I mean,  what gives?


Would it be heaven?

Or a tantalizing…

…just out of reach

…kinda Hell?


And the thing of it is

Her demeanor is such

That most of the time

she seems so polite

….even sweet…

…maybe even shy


…. Heaven forbid



That is,  most of the time


I mean

Don’t get me wrong

she CAN put her

Zombie gal game face on at times.


And by the way

Evgeny “Rockin Eugene” Lomakin

is the absolute stud you will see on drums

watch his right hand especially

it is just lightening.


in any event here’s

a group who we’ve featured several times

Here’s Messer Chups with

A tune titled simply…. Popcorn


Alright earlier we had a legend on

…meaning George Jones

But now it’s time to bring on another legend


This is yet another of the King boys

We’ve had Freddie on

We’ve had BB on


And yes ,we have had this legend on too

So we’ve decided to bring him

Back again

And I guarantee that you will be glad we did.


Here’s the one and only Albert

King that is


Albert King with his  Crosscut Saw


Okay.. .folks

even the station’s mice are

lined up and

Waitin’ at the door

For yours truly

to let them outta here

‘cos we’re supposed to be done already


So, I’m just gonna put on our last tune

And I gotta get out of here pronto



Yinz are all the best

Thanks for listenin’

Thanks for watchin’


Don’t let them bed bugs bite


So until next week

I’ll leave yinz with

A live concert

In honor of the late great Peter Green

Put on by his former band mate  Mick Fleetwood

And friends


According to the liner notes

This tune features


Drums: Mick Fleetwood Guitar:

Jeremy Spencer Bass: Bill Wyman Guitar:

Rick Vito Guitar: Andy Fairweather

Low Producer: Glyn Johns Composer,

Composer: Elmore James


[dead air]




All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  Some factual background was provided by

articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of on the “contact” or “contact us” page.