CIVIL WAR CAUSES: Knopfler Smash Mouth Doc Watson 60’s garage

[Editor’s Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is in 3 parts.

(1.)The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post) Today it’s about  the Reason for the Civil War ; and (3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]



Good evenin’

Good mornin’

Good wherever

And whenever you are

After all this may be a re-run

Who knows


But in any event

I’m the DJ here at DJ ltd

Stony Riva


Here with

Our illustrious

Assistant Producer of Everything

Our own

Little Miss Suzi

Our controlling

Control booth maniac Buck


Rufus…more about him later


And somewhere out in the

Virtual Ether or somewhere

Who knows

Our founding father

And guiding light




I don’t know

Maybe one day

He’ll put in a guest appearance

Ot somethin’


But in any event


Bein’ a Yinzer myself

When I saw the jacket for

Our first tune

I couldn’t help but to be intrigued


I found it while shoppin’ for some

Northern Soul music…meaning

Soul popular in Northern England


But I’ll tell Yinz

At the risk of getting everyone

Further confused that

Our first group is actually from Chicago.


But let’s clear the air now

And kick things off with..


The Steelers  and  Get it from the Bottom


Yeah, that was nice.




Next up we have a true geettar playin’ legend

Of the blue grass folk kind

…actually two of them

A father -son duo

From Carolina

North Caroliina that is

Plus “the Boys”


I’m talkin’ here about Doc and Merle

And if you’re a blue grass fan

That’s all you need to know

To know it’s good


Both father and son are now gone

But  this is live

And it’s from one of my favorite albums




Doc Watson and the Boys

It’s from the live portion of that album



Here they do

Love Please Come Home


Yeah, that’s a tune that’s might tough to beat.


Okay next up we actually move into this century

Or at least close thereto

This next band ..originally from California

lived largely on doing

their uniquely entertaining updated covers of

Former hits originally done by others


Their unique sound originated largely because of its

Former front man, Steve Harwell

Who unfortunately passed in September of 2023
apparently of liver failure.

Was originally a Rapper


Let me tell ya

Livin’ a  rock n roll life style is

Not always good for your health


But here we have one of their best known

Original compositions.


So now let’s give a listen to….


Smash Mouth  doing their hit

Then the Morning Comes



I see Buck over there

Pounding on the control room window

And yes

He’s pointin’ to our

Station Manager

Rufus Coldwater

Who’s a sittin’ back there

Just a rarin’ to tell us

Somethin’ he thinks is mighty important


Whether it is

In fact


Is anybody’s guess


Just kiddin

Just kiddin’



let’s turn it over to the man himself

To give it to us straight


take it away Mr.Coldwater



I guess I should say thanks Stony

But I’ll start just by sayin’

Hello everyone

I’m  Rufus Coldwater.


As many of you folks know

I quite presumptuously believe myself to be

a history aficionado

…at least at times.


I just saw a video, that all those Wokies  and holier than thou Yankees out there ought to watch.

The reason I say this is very simple.  The reasons for America’s Civil War went beyond just the question of slavery.  There were in fact serious states’ rights and genuine constitutional questions involved.  One  has to remember that at the time of the Civil War the nation was still very new, and no one knew what the true nature of the very new union of states was and/or what the true relative powers of the states were relative to that of the federal government, and/or whether a state had a right to secede for any reason.


Add to this the fact that no one likes to be told by outsiders what to do, especially if they are doing what’s been done around the world for centuries and changing will upend their entire political and economic system all while not at all affecting the outsiders who are pontificating and telling them what to do..


In short, if one is being honest telling someone else to mind their own business is something everyone can understand.  And that’s pretty much what the South was saying.


Anyway here’s a video everyone should see on this interesting and often misunderstood topic:


All, I’ll add to that video is a huge caveat. Despite what’s said in this otherwise excellent video Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves in areas that weren’t in rebellion.  So, Lincoln very pragmatically allowed slavery to exist in several key regions that weren’t in rebellion against the Union.


Anyway Northerners, Wokies, progressives and liberals should not jump on Southerners as being somehow evil or morally inferior for fighting the War.


Back to you Stony



Thanks Rufus


Okay folks

Guess what time it is?


Yeah, it’s time for more tunes

But more importantly

It’s time to see what

Our Executive Assistant Producer

and our Doer Mover and Shaker of everything

Here at DJ Ltd has for us


In other words….


It’s Suzi time

Meaning it’s time for whatever little treats

She’s brought us from

our garage downstairs.


Ah yes

Here’s a group we’ve featured before

And I gotta admit

I really liked ‘em


I can’t remember If it was this tune

Or another one of theirs we did

But it doesn’t matter

I’ve heard this one before

And I like it a whole bunch


This is a 60s garage band

From Tyler Texas

And I think this was their very first tune

That they ever released





Mouse and the Traps    A Public Execution


I don’t know about you but that sounded

Like a better version of Bob Dylan

With a touch of the Stones thrown in.


Okay, next up

Suzi has given us

another 60s garage tune

This time however with no notes

No jacket

No nothin’


So I don’t know anything about this group

So we are sorta on autopilot

And Aunt Bea

Yinz remember her don’tchya

is servin’ us pot luck


But I must say

If Suzi’s servin’ it up

It must be good




The Hitch Hikers

With  Someday Baby



Okay, the big hand is on the witching hour

And the little hand is at 6 minutes ‘til


So that means

It’s time to call up

Our clean up hitter

To belt us a walloping homer


And boy do I have just the slugger

To do the trick


This guy needs absolutely no introduction

A true master of his craft

…well actually

He’s the master of two crafts…

One is playin’ the geettar

And the other is writin’ great tunes


This tune and his performance

Are both truly spell binding

And captivating.


Here’s the former front man

Of Dire Straits

Masterfully doin’ one of his

Original compositions


Knopfler  Telegraph Road


Wow!  Just amazing.

I love the way he just decided

Right at the beginning

Not to sing the tune

….he dropped the lyrics…

But to turn it into a strictly

Instrumental affair


Very powerful.


Well, that’s gonna do it folks


I’m Stony Riva

For Suzi, Buck, Rufus

And Guru (wherever he is)


Good night

And Don’t let those nasty bed bugs bite





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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  They are not contained on our site. Some factual background was provided by articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of on the “contact” or “contact us” page.  Any singer, instrumentalist, band, musician, painter, photographer, music publisher or other artist or company of any type who owns or otherwise has appropriate legal rights to any music or other copyrighted material of any type linked on this site should just contact us and we will promptly remove same from this blog.