Can AI Destroy Democracy? Black Keys OMC funk & rock

[Preliminary Note:  For some reason when we posted this blog, we stopped getting any visitors.  Wonder why?  Not only did we stop getting visitors to this page, but we also stopped getting views on our Youtube videos having anything to do with oligarchs.  Is being censored? As such, we changed the title to what you now see.  Formerly it was “AI Destroys Democracy: Black Keys OMC etc”]

[Editor’s Note:  Welcome to the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes (TNnT). A page dedicated to the preservation of music made by humans, back when music actually rocked and touched one’s soul.  While we occasionally do feature contemporary tunes they must be up to the higher standards of music past.  Along the way it is our sincere hope and purpose to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought.

TNnT is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is normally in 3 parts: (1.)The first is a transcript of the radio broadcast featuring a DJ and his cohorts who provide interesting background and commentary about the tunes being played.  Importantly the transcript (this blog post) has direct click on links that will take the reader directly to a video that plays the tune; (2.) Part 2 is the Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this blog post). Tonight’s editorial is about artificial intelligence and the destruction of democracy; and (3) that’s followed by a the second half of the Dj’s radio broadcast again with links to offsite videos playing the tunes the DJ is playing.]


Hey folks

Stony Riva here


We kick it off tonight

with a funky group from Brooklyn.

This band had folks jumpin and jivin

from the late 60s to the mid 80s


This was there most successful track



Brass Construction with   Movin’


All I can say is….

If you’re still in you’re seat after that great tune

You must be shackled to it


…or dead.


But be that as it may


Next up we have a big big hit


Otara’s Millionaire’s Club

Who were a famous duo from

New Zealand in the 90s.


Originally they consisted of

Pauly and Phil Fuemana


Their name was  a

very tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact

that they were from one of the poorer

sections of Auckland.


But eventually Pauly went on his own and

Ultimately referred to himself as simply



Although he did have other hits

primarily in New Zealand

Pauly is mostly known for our next tune


That said, here’s

OMC with a tune many have called

One of the greatest

Ever produced by a New Zealand artist….

You know it as How Bizarre


Alright time to change it up a bit.

And we’re gonna do so in a big big way


This band started in the 70s

Rose to fame in the 80s

And had no less than 21

That’s right 21

#1 country hits


They really need no introduction

So here they are

From Fort Payne

The band called Alabama

Singin’ about that

Tennessee River


okay that brings us to the half

and all of Yinz know what that means



It’s time for the grandmaster of

of deflating one’s buzz

but Yinz know  him simply

as our humble


station manager

Rufus Coldwater


Rufus, what do ya have for us?



Thanks Stony, but I just want you to know that folks will have to earn their spot on my Christmas list, when the holiday roll around again this year.  And, Stony, let’s just say that so far your point totals aren’t that impressive.  But at least you have time to take corrective action. So, ya better get your act in order big daddy!


But, as you would say…just joking…just joking.


In any event, instead of having me go on and on about a subject that I’ve griped about for how long now?  I don’t know for sure but it seems like decades.


No, instead of me talkin’ let’s hear a fresh new voice on the subject.  Why?  Well, this next lady’s got quite an intellect.  She’s a theoretical physicist who is very into really serious subjects like the nature of existence, where we came from and where we’re going and that sort of thing. All in the scientific context mind you. And she’s never afraid to tell you what she thinks.  She’s more than willing to criticize anyone including scientists and/or their prevailing opinions.  And importantly, she doesn’t come off as some kind of quack.  After all, she is German.  That fact alone at least makes her sound smart. She received her doctorate from Goethe University Frankfurt.   And, according to Wikipedia, [after holding several posts in academia including stints at the University of Arizona and at the University of California at Santa Barbara, in] 2009, she became an assistant professor at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics in Sweden.[7] Between 2015 and 2023, she was employed at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies followed by a post at Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich’s Center for Mathematical Philosophy. In August 2022, Hossenfelder released a book titled Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions, published by Viking Press.  She also published an English research paper titled “Black Hole Relics in Large Extra Dimensions”.  I’ve been a Youtube follower of hers for quite a bit and she tackles nothing but the most complex and far-reaching scientific issues one can imagine.


In any event here’s Sabine Hossenfelder to tell us what’s what about the possible political ramifications of perhaps the most important issue currently facing mankind–artificial intelligence. Let’s give her a listen because she has some vitally important thoughts on the matter:


Holy Baby Ruth!  She even goes further than anything heretofore mentioned by yours truly and all of the other bogeyman theorists out there. The destruction of the nation state….not just ours…but everybody’s!  Just further evidence that there will be no more thought ever of pissing brother Elon off !  It won’t be Make America Great Again, it will be Make Musk Even Greater than You Can Imagine.  We are talking  about, not just kings, but masters of the planet here.


Well, I don’t know about you but I’ve had enough of this subject for the evening. It’s just too mind boggling to consider.  All I know is, that if mankind expects to enjoy democracy the clock is ticking and it’s now ticking incredibly fast. In fact, we might have only one nanosecond left—if that, to save democracy.  One is either committed to democracy on the one hand or to the idea of supporting those with an inside track to developing and disseminating AI on the other.  I’m talking about the super-rich and the oligarchs, especially the ones connected to information technology.  And there’s no longer any time to screw around on the matter.  What I fear, especially after this past election is that far too many Americans are either selling out or are so focused on culture war issues that they can’t see who the real and far more dangerous enemy is.  We are talking about a very small group of people who will have (if they don’t already have it) the power to destroy our liberties and control our lives.  And frankly, a big reason that the situation has gotten to where it has is that the most popular cable channel is primarily owned and/or run by another super-rich oligarch.


In any event, that’s it from here.  Back to you Stony



[huge sigh]


Geez Rufus, don’t be messin’ with our good mood !


Folks,  I want everyone to get up

Go outside

Take a deep breath

In fact

Take two or three very very deep breaths

And come back

I’ll wait for ya






Everybody back?


Well, while Yinz was gone


Our Assistance Executive Producer of Everything

Pulled out a vinyl disc from my brief case

and asked what it was. And

the answer is

it is what I intended to play tonight


She looked a little crestfallen when I told her that.

After all she had another 45 in her hand

But I blew her a  kiss and told her

I’ll use her selection next week

Because  as always

it was a good one


Anyway, I was gonna play the

published version of this next tune

which is only half the length of this next

so-called “demo”

But when I ran across

this next demo recording while

doing background research on the group

my affection for this tune

ratcheted up a couple more notches.


Maybe this is an example of when overthinking a tune

Or trying to commercialize it

Got in the way of maximizing its musical appeal.


Who knows?

While the production quality on this is not the best

In  a way it only adds to my appreciation of it

Because it gives the impression of a group of garage musicians

Just sitting around jamming

sometime during the 1960s

and, in doing so, getting into a special zone

and finding a great grove.



Apollo’s Apache with  Boss (Be Good to Me)


It may be that when they took that tune to the producers

that the producers insisted on something less than 3 minutes

That’s because back in those days there weren’t many tunes

that went beyond 3 minutes or 3:30.

But I really enjoyed that

Its vibe conveys

the true spirit of garage rock back in the day.


Moving on

I was talking to GURU just before we went on the air

And he was telling me a story

Apparently, a friend had requested that he sing

A slow dance tune last night

So he could get to know

Some babe across the bar a little better.


So, out of the blue

And feeling adventurous

GURU selected a tune that he’d never done before

with the house band that lets him sing with them occasionally


The band said they new it so….

What the heck


In any event, naturally the tune

Had a moment when GURU realized

That he had to go much higher than he expected.

You know….the “And you are the magnet…..” part


GURU said he fudged it a bit

Not that it was an embarrassing effort

But clearly not in the professional category either.


Well in any event he had to repeat that

chorus several more times in the tune

By about the 3d time

GURU said he had gotten it


But we’re talkin’ the chorus here

So he obviously had to do this more than a few times.


Long story short about two thirds of the way through the tune

He started…”And….

And then just as started to sing

the words “you are the magnet…”  the power went out.

Pitch black.


GURU wasn’t sure whether the Almighty

was trying to tell him somethin’ or not

But it was kinda funny.


In any event

the power came back on about 10 seconds later

But it was a slow dance

And the mood sorta went kaput.


But this is a great slow dance tune

And none other than Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks

Gives Walter Egan an assist on this tune

In fact, the record label looks like

Lindsey Buckingham may have been involved as well.




Walter Egan and probably Stevie Nicks

Singin’   Magnet and Steel


I first heard tonight’s cleanup hittin’ tune

when I went to the theatre

and watched a movie called “The Campaign”

starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis


It only got moderately good reviews

But I really liked the film a lot.


I’m not exactly sure what this tune is about.

I’ve heard interesting theories having to do with

hookups with babes on tour

but that may or may not make much sense.


But whatever

I love the Black Keys

Because in this era there aren’t near enough bands

Who still play great rock.

And the Keys definitely do just that.


In any event


Here, to wrap it up tonight are


The Black Keys with  Gold on the Ceiling



For Suzi



And Rufus

I’m Stony Riva


Good night


Don’t ever ever

Let those nasty bed bugs bite !



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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  They are not contained on our site. Some factual background was provided by articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2025*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of on the “contact” or “contact us” page.  Any singer, instrumentalist, band, musician, painter, photographer, music publisher or other artist or company of any type who owns or otherwise has appropriate legal rights to any music or other copyrighted material of any type linked on this site should just contact us and we will promptly remove same from this blog.



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