Investments, Picking Stocks and the Efficient Market Hypothesis

Investments, Picking Stocks and the Efficient Market Hypothesis.

( Editor’s note: This blog post and video, first appeared on one of the “pages” appearing in the menu bar at the top of this website many months ago.  We reprint it here because some of our visitors do not realize that there is also substantive content found in those website pages—not just in the blog posts.  It is reprinted below along with the associated video, if any, on July 31, 2019.)

Should an investor try to time the movements of the stock market in order to make big profits and/or avoid big loses?  Should an investor buy individual stocks and be a stock picker.  How are stocks priced or valued.   What is the Efficient Market Hypothesis?  Is it better to just diversify one’s investment portfolio and buy and hold for the long term? The video below discusses all these issues and provides in-depth analytical insight into the answers.

Nothing on this website or any of its videos should be taken to be an endorsement of any particular stock, bond, mutual fund, insurance product or to give any tax, accounting, legal or other advice.  Please consult your attorney, CPA,  insurance broker, or other duly licensed representative.

Please see the video below.