Running the Pittsburgh Marathon abbrev

Yes, we did a second video.  This one is about half as long as the War and Peace version but still full of the most important information.  After all everyone is pressed for time these days.

At long last we lined up and ran the Pittsburgh Marathon.  We’ve been trying to run the Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon since 2012, a year in which our weight reached into the 280’s !    We trained long and hard and this time we managed to avoid injuries and the other catastrophes that had previously thwarted us.  We got our weight down from 230 to 191 pounds.  (Only to see it go back up to around 200).   But, we lined up an ran this time !   Something of an achievement in and of itself for someone just ten weeks shy of their 65th birthday.

David Dixon Lentz provides a comprehensive recap of the 2019 Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon. Strategy, gear, nutrition, the weather, the course and other matters are all discussed. Seniors and first time marathoners will be particularly interested.  Pictures of the course itself are included.

As always, anything we suggest or do may not be right for you.  Always consult your doctor, nutrition expert and/or other  duly  qualified and licensed health professional before undertaking, consuming or following any food, drink, pharmaceutical, diet or exercise plans that we mention or do in our videos or that we mention or discuss on this website.  You assume all risk of death, injury or adverse health effects.   Marathoning in particular is exceedingly strenuous and folks have died doing it–even young healthy ones–even highly experienced runners.

/s/  DDL         June 8, 2019

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