Can and/or Should Trump Be Impeached Again?

As Lord Acton once famously said:  “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

[Despite the fact that the following videos are very substantive and make very rational and valid points on extremely relevant subjects, again they got no views on Youtube. (The author is a lawyer, has taught international business on a University level and has worked in government and on political campaigns.  He has been posting Youtube videos for about 7 years with no problems.  Despite this, again, we are left to wonder if we aren’t being censored.  Many, if not most, folks are clearly going to disagree with the position taken in the videos. Frankly we know that our videos probably express a minority view.**  However, that does not mean that these videos are totally devoid of anything worthy of thought or consideration, especially if one values our cherished democracy.  In short, we are beginning to wonder if the plutocracy, the rise of which we have voiced so much concern, if not outright alarm, in the past is already flexing its muscle in a very scary way.]

[** [Our fervent hope, however, is to quickly turn it into a super-majority opinion and we believe that time is of the essence.   Why do we say time is of the essence?  Let’s just say that our orange fire-breathing Godzilla is only 50 feet tall right now with only relatively new AI capabilities. However, by next year he will be 200 feet tall with more advanced AI.  By 2028 he will be 1000 feet tall with advanced robotics, advanced snooping capability and AI that will make Star Trek look like something from the Stone Age.  Moreover, the entire federal government will be over-run with fascists and extreme-right wing Godzilla yes-men.]

Here’s the video in question:

Or how about this one that also got no views on Youtube?

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