Dead Ukraine, Border Fixed, Juice, Uriah 60’s Garage Rock & Soul

[Editor’s Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is in 3 parts.

(1.)The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post) Today it’s about  the Southern Border, Ukraine is Dead and the Cashless Society ; and (3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]



Good mornin’

Good evenin’

Or whatever time of day it is

Wherever Yinz are

This is Stony Riva

And the folks here at DJ Ltd


I know Yinz are a bit tuckered out

We sure are

After all a 23 extra inning baseball game

is a tad much to sit through


Poor poor Buck

He’s back in the control booth trying to figure out

Exactly how much time we have to do the show


Bottom line is

We are gonna have to play this by ear

In terms of the amount of time we have

So bear with us

As we muddle thru


But one thing for sure

We’ll put on

Nothin’ but the best

For your listenin’ pleasure

And if I do say so myself

I think we’ve got a great lineup.


We start off with a duo

Whose musical roots go back to Chicago

In the 60s and early 70s


And they did appear one time

On Soul Train in 1971.

This is a cool tune



Simtec & Wylie with  Bootlleggin’


Okay speakin’ of baseball

, let’s get down and do a double header

for yinz Soul fans out there

Here’s a tune that back in 1982

Got all the way up to number 4 on the Billboard Soul chart.



One Way doing their tune   Cutie Pie




, now that we got our Fix

Let’s leave some of that soul food

for later

I mean we don’t want to hog it all now

Besides some other folks may want some



Let’s sample some other musical delicacies


Next up is a gal

Who was all over the airwaves

For a couple of years back in the early 80s

Her style was very engaging because it seemed

To blend country, pop and rock

And she had a great voice.


This may have been her most famous tune




Juice Newton singin’ her big big hit

Queen of Hearts


I know

Call me crazy

But actually one of Juice’s other hits

“Break It to Me Gently”

Sorta put me in a country frame of mind

And anyone that knows ole Stony

Knows that he’s a sucker for

Country tunes from the 50’s and 60’s.


So…. All this brings to mind

the greatest “Pea picker” of all time

Doin’ what I believe is his earliest hit


He was originally from Bristol Tennessee

Was a radio announcer in his early career

And Is probably most famous

For his signature hit  “Sixteen Tons”


But here ole Tennessee Ern is going to take us

Further back and

In a more upbeat direction



Tennessee Ernie Ford  with

Shotgun Boogie


Alright !

Folks Buck is pointin’ behind him

And I can see from the man back there

And the clock on the wall

That’s it’s time once again

It’s time For DJ Ltd’s edition of

“The World According to Rufus”


So….Take it away Rufus !



Hey folks  Rufus Coldwater here.

Only the Almighty knows how much time Buck is gonna give me, because of the ballgame and all but here goes…


I’m going to cede at least some of my allotted time to the fella on the following video, because his video expresses my opinion regarding Donald Trump’s statement to the effect that Ukraine was dead and that they should not have resisted the Russian invasion to begin with.  Here’s the guy who expresses fully my opinion on the matter:



Well, I was going to sign off after that video but  Buck is over there in the control booth miming the feeding of his face. That can only mean that he wants me to eat more time.  And, as luck would have it, I have another video that addresses yet another important concern of mine.  It has to do with the credit card companies and many businesses trying to force everyone into using credit and debit cards instead of cash.  Meanwhile the banks are telling us that they are going to a digital dollar system. In other words they want a cashless society.


In any event, here’s another video that pretty much gives everyone an idea of what our opinion is on the matter.


[Readers can see this video at the very bottom of this blog post.]


By dingies, when these baseball games go into extra innings it really drives old Buckaroo crazy trying to manage time.  He’s still feeding his face and tellin’ me to eat more time.


Let’s see here.


Oh yes.  Immigration and the southern border.  A big, big, big issue. Here’s a very interesting article by Berenice Garcia and several others in the Texas Tribune where very recently they actually went to the border, visited several sites and did an extensive report on what they saw.   And for all of you folks that place bigtime priority on the border and immigration issue, you’ll definitely want to read this.  Here’s the link:


All I can say Buck is that’s all I got. There ain’t no more.  So, I hope that’ll do.


This is Rufus Coldwater

Have a nice what’s left of your day everyone.

Back to you Stony…



Okay thanks Rufus we’re back


Well, folks Suzi

Yinz know her

She’s our handy dandy

A-1 Assistant Executive Producer of Everything here at DJ Ltd


Well….seems she’s under the weather

Which, of course means,

I didn’t have anyone to go into the garage

To find us some second half tunes


All of which means

That yours truly

Has to dip into his own private collection

…meaning my memory


And frankly, I’m down to go

to the hard and heavy side tonight


So everyone should strap themselves in

Because we are gonna rock.


and that folks was

Mott the Hoople   with

One of the Boys


I don’t know about Yinz

But I’ve always been a huge Mott fan.

I think David Bowie who wrote

All the Young Dudes for them

Was their biggest fan


Okay,   If Yinz thought that rocked

Yinz ain’t heard nothin’ yet.


Our next band started way way back in the mid

To late 60’s

They pretty much disbanded

But reformed albeit with

Different members at the turn of the this century

And I believe that they still perform



They are an interesting blend of

Garage and psychedelic rock


Probably their two biggest hits are

I Had Too Much to Dream (Last Night)


Get Me to the World on Time

But we’re going with

What we think is another great tune by them


This is the kinda tune just grows on ya

And it takes no prisoners


I’ll just shut up and let these dudes do their own talkin’

And boy can they….  Here’s


The Electric Prunes  with

You Never Had it Better



Okay Okay Buck

I see ya


Folks it’s just heck to be

Just startin’ to get’ into the groove

But then ya look up and Buck

is givin’ ya the wrap up signal


But unfortunately,

when  it comes to keepin’ us on time

The clock and Buck rule the roost.


So we’ll send Yinz all home

With one of my all-time favorite rock tunes

One that I would listen too way way way back

In the 70s whizzin’ up and down I-95 on cold dark nights

From trips to see my GF

Hole in the floor board

Not even sure if my 64 Fairlane would make it

Ewwww….I get the shivers

Just thinkin’ about it.


In any event

Hittin’ cleanup tonight

Here’s Uriah Heep to take us home


with  Easy Livin’


My my, what good times

Kinda scary

But lot’s of fun and adventure.


Anyway, I’m Stony Riva

For Buck


And even GURU, wherever he is

Wishin’ everyone

boatloads of

Whatever floats your boat.


Just remember….


Don’t you ever



let them nasty bed bugs bite


See Ya Later





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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  They are not contained on our site. Some factual background was provided by articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of on the “contact” or “contact us” page.  Any singer, instrumentalist, band, musician, painter, photographer, music publisher or other artist or company of any type who owns or otherwise has appropriate legal rights to any music or other copyrighted material of any type linked on this site should just contact us and we will promptly remove same from this blog.



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