DEBATE: Harris v Trump

Here are our thoughts about tonight’s debate.   We post this with a significant amount of regret simply because in setting up this site our intention was to stay as focused as possible on reason and logic and to maintain a balanced perspective when deciding policy questions–which in our view should be done on a case by case basis–on not on the basis of whether an idea generated from one particular political party or another.

However, these are clearly not normal times.  Simply put, the maintenance of democracy requires a respect for the rule of law and our Constitution.  In these uniquely precarious and dangerous times, every other issue (like the economy and the border etc) is secondary simply because the great governmental system that we have comes along, only once in a millennium, if at all.   If we let democracy and the rule of law slip away we will quickly become a dysfunctional society ruled by thugs, conmen, generals and/or dictators.

In our view there is one candidate who has repeatedly shown considerable willingness to flaunt his contempt for both our constitution and the rule of law.  In our view this fact is open and obvious to anyone who will merely look. In fact, in our view electing such a candidate risks not only future respect for the rule of law in our country, but also respect for our constitutional freedoms.   He tried to impede the peaceful transfer of power once.  No one should assume that if he is put in power again that he will peacefully relinquish that power in the future.  And remember, he’s now had one test run at staying in power despite adverse election results.  He’s probably learned many valuable lessons from that and will not let it happen again.

Our very strong opinion is that the former President of the United States not only does not deserve anyone’s vote, but that allowing him to even appear on the debate stage gives him far more credibility and respect than he deserves.  He should be incarcerated for the crimes for which he has been convicted and, then also criminally tried for the fomenting the January 6, 2021 insurrection.

Here’s our short one minute video on the subject: