LABOR DAY Ed. The Who Beck Bitcoin Pickett Plus

[Editor’s Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is in 3 parts.

(1.) The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post) Today it’s a double header dealing with Bitcoin and Kenny Pickett; and (3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]

Hey folks

Stony here

Been off…


Let’s get the ball rollin’

To close down the summer of 24.


Man did it go fast!


Here’s kinduva holiday tune

This is for all Yinz trumpet and horn lovers out there



Bugler’s Holiday by the guy

Who wrote Sleigh Ride…. Leroy Anderson


Yeah my neighbor when I was in high school

Practiced and practiced his part for that tune

He was a trumpet player

And during his senior year

He and 2 other trumpeters did that tune

For our spring concert

….way way way back


Ok.  Let’s bring us a tune with some groove.

Suzi plopped this down

But didn’t give me any background on this group


She says this is real cool tune

And we all know

Little Suzi is all knowing


So let’s give it a whirl

Here are the Soul Shakers with


You Ain’t My Brother


Yep that tune had some strong rhythm

And a great groove


Speaking of which.

Next up we have a 21st century artist

With a tune that

Takes no back seat rhythmically to anyone


Here’s super talented Beck with

Up All Night


I don’t know if there is any lip syncing to that

Or if they are singing over some kind of backing track

But if that is truly live that is an absolutely amazing performance.


And such an interesting groove


Great great tune.


Well, its that time again

Time for Rufus Coldwater

To better inform us

On a topic none of us care about


Of course I’m kidding

Anyway…take it away Rufus…


Well, I guess I should say thanks Stony


Folks, I’ve been listening to some dude talk about what an awful investment Bitcoin is.

He says there’s no income stream to support it like stocks and bonds and that the supply of it has nothing to do with the value of goods and services in the economy; that it’s not legal tender etc etc etc.  In other words, he says that Bitcoin is just a fad and that its like investing in pet rocks.

At least he admits however, that a whole lot of people who didn’t pay attention to him and who bought Bitcoin have made big time money.


Well, to me this is where reason and logic is perhaps somehow a deficient decision-making model.  By this I mean reason and logic might well lead us astray.


And why would that be?  Simply put, people often make decisions based on emotional factors and in fact there’s a who branch of economic theory dedicated to what’s known as behavioralism.


I don’t want to get too deep here, but suffice it to say that on a certain level one does have to take into account the fact that governments of certain countries have, in fact, acquired Bitcoin while enforcing their criminal laws.  More importantly, El Salvador has actually made it their legal currency.  And apparently  Bhutan has acquired Bitcoin during “mining” operations.


The point being that if Bitcoin becomes more accepted by governments the more demand there will be for it.  And this will naturally enhance it’s credibility as a legitimate asset to purchase.  This will be particularly true if more countries follow the route of El Salvador which actively purchases Bitcoin.


Moreover, apparently immigrants and citizens of developing countries that do not have strong traditional banking systems find Bitcoin to be very useful for several reasons that we may well explore in the future. But the bottom line is that a large portion of the world’s population doesn’t have ready access to traditional banking services and these people in particular can find practical uses for Bitcoin.


So, in short, the naysayers, meaning those who denigrate Bitcoin, maybe aren’t looking at the really big picture.  In other words, Bitcoin actually performs several useful functions for one heck of a lot of people around the world.  As such it probably isn’t the pet rock some would have us believe.


But before I go, I see in the Pittsburgh newspapers where Kenny Pickett, the former Steeler quarterback was actually booed when he attended an opening day visit to the Burgh to see his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, play its season opener against Kent State.


Now mind you, while Pickett’s offensive stats were a little, shall we say, boring over the two seasons he was with the Steelers, he did, in fact, have a winning record as a Steeler quarterback.  And, before that he lead his alma mater the Pitt Panthers to an ACC championship all while surpassing none other than Dan Marino and throwing for over 4,000 years and 42 touchdowns his Senior Year—both Pitt records.


For those less familiar, Pickett asked for a trade last Spring after the Steelers acquired two quarterbacks, one multiple super bowl winning Russell Wilson and another former first round draft choice.  Now again, remember, Pickett, prior to that, had just gone through about six straight months of near constant and severe criticism by the Pittsburgh media and its fan base.


So Pickett, wanting fresh start in his NFL career, asks for a trade. The Steelers obliged and sent him to Philadelphia.  Since then, the newspapers and Pittsburgh fanbase have basked with seeming endless glee at each report of misfortune in Pickett’s performance as a Philadelphia Eagle.  It’s almost like he never left the Burgh, and the fans still need a boo Kenny fix.


Look folks, if Kenny Pickett was that bad and wanted out, he gave you what you wanted—or at least one would think so.   To paraphrase Shakespeare, me thinks that Steeler fans doth protest too much—and it might actually betray a scintilla of actual guilt or perhaps regret—or something.   Kenny gave Pitt fans a championship, and he had a winning record as a Steeler,  After six months of the verbal abuse he took, anyone would want to quit and find other work.  But no, Pittsburgh fans can’t be good sports and part company on amicable terms.  Loyalty in Pittsburgh is a one way street. Ya gotta be loyal in the Burgh, to the Burgh, even if it kicks your ass up and down and sideways til you’re ready for the loony farm.


Pathetic.  Just pathetic.  And it all indicates that the fan base up there maybe, just maybe, realizes that Kenny P wasn’t so bad after all, but they don’t want him to succeed even in Philly because that would prove that their holy Steelers are just as Machiavellian as every other team in the NFL—and worse, that they—the fans were, not only wrong but abusive as well.  The Steeler fan-base in this instance has acted like some kind of lynch mob gone amuck.


Look, I’m a “Stiller” fan myself.  But frankly, I just hope to high heaven that when the Eagles play the Stillers that Kenny P tosses twelve or thirteen TDs on ‘em.  Yep Steeler fans, you deserve a 91 to zip shellacking at the hands of Kenny P.


But aside from that, I hope the Stillers go 16 and 1—meaning sixteen wins.



Okay Stony that’s it from here

Back to you.




Rufus, would you please

Quit beating around the bush

And tell us what you really think?

But please please please

Get to the point

A little faster

My gosh that was long winded.


Folks we are runnin’ out of time.


Our first second half group

Needs no introduction.


This tune is from Pete Townshend’s masterpiece


We actually had a psychology mini-course in college

Based on this album—believe it or not.


In any event, here’s but one rumination

Of the story’s main character.




The  Who performing live

the tune Sea and Sand



Next up is a tune that

I just can’t figure out why it wasn’t a bigger hit

Back in the day

Because I absolutely love it


And given it’s Labor Day

And the end of it

Here’s a great tune by

A 60’s Houston Texas based

Garage rock band..


Lemon Fog with their tune titled simply  Summer


Okay, Buck’s over there in the booth

Wavin’ his arms around and around

Meaning…I gotta wrap this up


Folks, all I can say is

If this doesn’t get your Labor Day goin’

Nothin’ will


Here’ Reel Big Fish

With….a heapin’ helpin’ of

your favorite holiday beverage….



Wow !


Folks, Suzi, Buck and I are

Outta here!

See Yinz later

And remember….

Drive safe and

Don’t let the bed bugs bite.





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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  They are not contained on our site. Some factual background was provided by articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of on the “contact” or “contact us” page.  Any singer, instrumentalist, band, musician, painter, photographer, music publisher or other artist or company of any type who owns or otherwise has appropriate legal rights to any music or other copyrighted material of any type linked on this site should just contact us and we will promptly remove same from this blog.

2 thoughts on “LABOR DAY Ed. The Who Beck Bitcoin Pickett Plus”

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