TRUMP Immigration, Inflation & Tunes

[Editor’s Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is in 3 parts.

(1.)The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post or  Trump, Immigration & Inflation; and  (3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]


Good evenin’ folks

Stony here

Along with the rest of the crew

Here at DJ Ltd

To bring Yinz an evenin’ of

Toe tappin’ tunes and some

Good old fashioned fun


Our first artist really needs no introduction


According to the Oracle of Wiki

He’s sold over 130 million records

and had

Ten Billboard Number 1’s

plus 38 top 10 singles

Making him one of the biggest

Selling artists of all time.


He also wrote hits for other artists

…including the Monkees


A native of Brooklyn New York

He was also classmates in high school

With Barbara Streisand


He was also

A member of the

1960 NCAA men’s championship fencing team


But we’re here to listen

Not to hear ole Stony yap away

And so…here’s the one and only

Neil Diamond  with  Thank the Lord for the Night Time–t0isSQHN_-5



Next up is an early 70’s Aussie rock band

That we found

Interestingly enough

While trying to find a jazz tune


According to Wilson McPhert:

This next band’s heyday was

1971 to 1972, during which

they released two critically acclaimed albums,

‘Daddy Who?’ and

‘Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll:Teenage Heaven’.


I was quite struck when I gave them a first listen as well

See what yinz think.   Here’s


Daddy Cool doin’   Flash in My Head


I don’t know about you folks

but I like Daddy Cool’s sound.


Speaking of jazz, here’s a tune by a

Lady whose voice is great

Who can probably crank out a jazz tune herself

But this next tune ventures a little into soul

See if yinz agree…


Here’s a tune that everyone’s sure to like.


Joyce Williams with  The First Thing I Do in the Morning


Wasn’t that great?

I don’t wanna get out of a great groove like that tune had


It’s time for our erudite station manager

Mister Rufus Coldwater

To lay a little heavy duty editorial on us


So what duya got for us Rufus?.



Thanks Stony.

Hello Folks:

First let’s say that we’re glad that former President Trump wasn’t more seriously injured or killed in the shooting incident in Butler Pennsylvania.   There’s no place for violence and assassination attempts in American politics ever.  And, especially right now, with the country pretty much on edge anyway, the last thing we need is violence.

Be that as it may, our strong opinion is that regardless of what happened in Butler, voters need to focus on facts when deciding how to vote in November.  Talk is cheap. Merely telling people what they want to hear and promising the world is what con men do.  We all need to “get real” and try to resist the temptation to let our passions and prejudices get in the way of clear thinking.

Putting the critical issue of Trump’s record aside for a moment, many voters are likely to focus on two important issues like the southern border and inflation.

Trump and the Republicans, of course, have been highly critical of the way the Biden Administration has handled the immigration problem at the southern border with Mexico.

However last February (2024) after months of negotiation Democrats and Republican Congressional leaders were able to reach the type of compromise that contained the provisions that Republicans had long sought to stem the tide of illegal immigrants into this country. As such the Biden administration agreed to a bipartisan proposal that would have:

“…[E]nhanced border security by adding agents, deploying technology to detect smuggling, and hiring additional immigration judges to expedite asylum cases. It also proposed limiting asylum requests once daily migrant encounters exceeded 2,500​​​​.”

In addition:

“If the bipartisan proposal would have passed it would have added 1,500 more agents at the border, installed 100 machines to detect fentanyl smuggling, and hired 100 new immigration judges to reduce the wait time for asylum proceedings from five to seven years down to six months.”  []

Despite the fact that this bipartisan proposal contained provisions that Republicans had long demanded, Trump had this to say about it:

“This Bill is a great gift to the Democrats, and a Death Wish for The Republican Party,” Trump said. “It takes the HORRIBLE JOB the Democrats have done on Immigration and the Border, absolves them, and puts it all squarely on the shoulders of Republicans. Don’t be STUPID!!!”  (See  RYAN CHATELAIN’s article at:

Thus, because Trump opposed the bipartisan deal, it was killed and since February of this year the border has remained more porous than it would have if Trump hadn’t poisoned the deal to help himself get elected this November.

Thus, it would appear that Mr. Trump is not as interested in solving the southern border and immigration problem as he is in getting elected this November.

The southern border issue is incredibly complex simply because it involves not only federal law but also the inter-relationship between state, federal and international laws. . And, to make it even more complex, there is the issue of how much power the President has to act unilaterally without Congressional approval.  (Doing so, is arguably very undemocratic and unconstitutional but feeling the heat and popular demand to “do something” the Biden Administration has recently shown more inclination to act even without Congressional approval—which we here at DJ Ltd would normally find to be quite objectionable, but can, in this instance, and especially given Trump’s apparent veto power with Republicans in Congress, we fully understand and sympathize with.

As such, and feeling a lot of public heat the Biden Administration has taken additional executive action since Trump nixed the bipartisan deal just noted. Folks who want to see how the Biden Administration has taken unilateral action to substantially reduce our Southern border problems should open and read the following link which describes what President Biden did just last month:

Then there’s the very important inflation issue.  This is clearly the biggest pocketbook issue voters are currently facing.  And it is one that Presidents generally cannot do much about once inflationary prices have been locked in because President’s cannot unilaterally require employers to pay their workers higher wages to catch them up with past price hikes.  That’s up to employers.

Moreover, as we’ve mentioned before, the war in Ukraine and Covid played havoc with supply chains for oil, wheat and other goods which in turn had inflationary effects.  Housing costs have risen significantly.  Time won’t permit a proper analysis of all of inflations causes here because there are many and the issue is complex.

Regardless, however, Trump and the Republicans having been putting the blame for inflation and the high cost of living on the Biden Administration.

Given all of this, we here at DJ Ltd took it upon ourselves to do our own comparison of the economic performances of the Trump and Biden Administrations.  Below are the links to our results which are mixed but much more favorable to the Biden Administration than Trump and the Republicans would have everyone believe.

More importantly, let’s consider a major factor in determining the price of everything from mortgages to car payments.  And that’s interest rates.

Rebecca Picciotto of CNBC reported on June 25, 2024 as follows (see:

“Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists signed a joint letter Tuesday warning of what they see as economic risks if former President Donald Trump were to serve a second term, including reheated inflation.

[The joint letter said in part:]

“While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we all agree that Joe Biden’s economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump’s,” the economists wrote. Axios was first to report the letter.

[Editor’s Note: In addition, there is no question but that if Trump imposes tariffs on imported goods, like he has constantly advocated, those tariff costs will boost the prices of all imported goods thus fueling more inflation.]

[Thus, concluded the Nobel winning economists]

“There is rightly a worry that Donald Trump will reignite this inflation, with his fiscally irresponsible budgets.”

[ Moreover, to fight high living costs, ] Trump has […also …]proposed ….pressuring the independent Federal Reserve Board to cut interest rates.”

Nevertheless, as Nicholas Jasinksi of Barron’s (see   )  (07-17-24) wrote:

Donald Trump warned the Federal Reserve not to lower interest rates before the November election and said he wouldn’t seek to push Jerome Powell out as Fed chair before his term ends in 2026.  Trump is quoted as saying:

“I would let him serve it out, especially if I thought he was doing the right thing,” [ see Bloomberg Businessweek in June, in an interview published on Tuesday].

Trump told the publication that cutting interest rates before the November election would boost the economy and President Joe Biden’s odds of victory. “It’s something that they know they shouldn’t be doing,” Trump said of the Fed.

In short, Mr. Trump doesn’t want Congress, the Fed or the President to do anything that he himself is in favor of, if doing so reduces his chances of winning the election in November.

In short, the record clearly shows that Trump has actually worked against both sealing the southern border, and in allowing the Fed to lower interest rates all because those events, if they occurred now, would reduce the chance that he will be elected President this November.

In short, Trump doesn’t care as much as he says he does about inflation and the Southern border. The record and his own statements clearly show that he is much more worried about himself than in the welfare of the Nation. Moreover, a lot of Nobel winning economists think Trump’s economic proposals are inferior and more highly inflationary than the policies that the Biden Administration has been pursuing. And finally, based on our analysis  (see our website’s analysis at and at Biden has gotten inflation under control and is, in fact, moving more aggressively on matters affecting our Southern border despite Republican Trump-inspired resistance.

This is Rufus Coldwater.  Thanks for listening.


Okay thanks Rufus


Well, our Executive Assistant

Producer of Everything…

Has done her normal

Excellent job yet again.


I’m speaking of Suzi of course

And She’s gone down to the garage

once again and

pushed around some grungy damp boxes

filled with old 45s….records that is

And fished us out our next tune


And frankly,

I can’t tell from the jacket much about this tune

But I see here on the 45 itself that

The composers of this next tune are

Dave Olson and James Packett

and the band is Les Barons


I guess in English that’s The Barons


In any event,

let’s just get down and enjoy


Les (The) Barons  with  Now You’re Mine


Yep, lil Suzi sure does have good taste in tunes

That was a great way to kick off the 2d half tonight


Alright next up we have

A true country legend

Originally from Ohio


A guy who pined  away

To get out of Detroit City

And back home

In probably his most famous legendary tune

But Who

according to the Oracle of Wiki

Only had one #1 country hit

And it’s our next tune




Bobby Bare  with Marie Laveau


Okay, it’s getting late and that means

It’s time for our cleanup act tonight

And we’re lookin’ forward

With great anticipation

to our last tune tonight


According to the band’s own website at


“In 1991 bassist and vocalist Chris Murphy

and drummer Andrew Scott met

while studying at the

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design,

and with the addition of Patrick Pentland

on guitar and vocals and Jay Ferguson

on guitar, formed Sloan….

.[their second album “Twice Removed”

was named “The Best Canadian Album

of All Time” by one poll and revered by many other.”


And so let’s quit talkin’ and give these guys a listen




Sloan  with Money City Maniacs


Well,  that’s it

There ain’t no more

for tonight at least


I sure do hope that you folks

Enjoyed tonight’s show

as much as I did.


So for Suzi, Buck, GURU

And Rufus

And all the other folks

…and critters

here at station DJ Ltd



And don’t ever let

Those gosh darned

nasty bed bugs Bite.





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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  Some factual background was provided by

articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


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