Radio Transcript & Tunes: Cake Hart Bonamassa Robbins

[Editor’s Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is in 3 parts.

(1.)The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post or College Football Re-Alignment; and  (3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]


Good evenin’ folks

Stony here

Along with the rest of the crew

Here at DJ Ltd


Hope all of yinz have good AC

‘cos it has been pretty

Fricken hot here.


So hot…I don’t think it

Wise to talk much

Because it just creates more hot air.


Which is somethin’

We definitely don’t need.


The Oracle

Meanin’ the Oracle of Wiki says that

Our first group was

A soul and R&B group

In the 60s and 70s.


In fact according to the Oracle

Little Royal was/is often called

James Brown’s little Brother


And we know that Red Dog would like that


So let’s kick off tonight’s festivities with

A tune that requires everyone to

Use their imagination


I guess visions of Mr. Brown

…or in this case Little Royal…

Dancin’ with a razor in his hand

Might do the trick




Little Royal

Presumably dancin’ to

Razor Blade



Next we have a band originally from

Sacremento that really needs no real introduction

Because it’s had it’s albums go platinum

One of the band’s

most famous tunes

is  Going the Distance.

Our next tune is by them

And it just so happens to be

one of our very favorites

Simply because

…not only is the tune awesome

But the video is too.

Especially the guy

In the ballcap who wants “2”.


Be prepared to chortle and groove for this one



CAKE with  Short Skirt/Long Jacket


Well, if that didn’t put Yinz

In a good mood

It might be that

Nuthin will.


But that doesn’t mean

We won’t try



Last time we played a tune that was

Sung by one of our all-time favs

For singin’ Western Tunes

His name was Frankie Laine


This time we are gonna hear from the other artist

Who sits on Mount Olympus

When it comes to singin’

These types of tunes


Marty Robbins wrote a lot of his own tunes

But for this one

Which was the theme song for a movie

By the same name

It Was written by

Jerry Livingston, with lyrics by Mack David


The movie itself starred an great great actor

…who needs to get mentioned more often than he does these



Talkin’ about the none other than Gary Cooper

…sorta the tall silent “everyman” type


In any event, here’s the theme song to a movie


the Hangin’ Tree

sung by none other than the one and only Marty Robbins


Ah yes,

back in simpler

But much more charming days

when there were Good Guys and Bad Guys

wearin’ the correct color hats

and, they actually wrote good musical scores for movies.


Well,  Buck is now

being shooed out of his seat in the control booth

By some shall we say

Vision from yester-year


Hmmmm …what is this Rufus?

Slightly faded pull-over

Dirty ole gold sweater with a big blue “P”

All To match his warmup blue pants


Perhaps a bit of a bulge around the waste

…too many nights

At the “Big O” perhaps

Or maybe Primanti Brother’s


Anyway, I’ll let Rufus tell yinz more

Take it away Rufus…



Hello folks:


It seems that daily, if not hourly, we get inundated with news about college football and conference realignment.  Of course, it’s all about the money.  The notion that major college sports like football and basketball are for amateurs is, to borrow a famous Kansas lyric, dust in the wind.


It’s all quite sad. The SEC, the Big Ten and who knows whatever other conference comes along and wants to turn the whole show into the Super 2, Super 3 or may Super 4 conferences.  The ACC with traitorous …yes I said traitorous teams like Clemson and Florida State want to break their ACC contract and leave for allegedly greener– meaning more money soaked– pastures.


The rule of law. Ha. What a joke. Don’t get me started about bribes to Supreme Court Justices.


I guess if pressed I’d have to admit that its wrong for the Universities to make big time money and not pay these kids.  I don’t pretend to understand the ins and outs of name image and likeness, and how the money really works because frankly I’m so disgusted by sports anymore that I find myself paying less and less attention to any of it.  And frankly, I hope everyone else pays less attention too.  Big time college sports is becoming like real life.  The rich keep getting richer and richer and leaving everyone else behind—or at least that’s what the Big 10 and the SEC seem to want to do.  And the likes of Clemson and Florida State seem more than willing to go along.   And all of this is not to mention the more successful Benedict Arnolds like USC and UCLA leaving the venerable old Pac 10 or 12 or whatever it was for the bigger money of the Big 10 which is now the Big teen something.  Other dominoes have, sadly followed suit as well.  And yeah.  Stanford, Cal and SMU in the ACC. It all boggles the mind.


Where have the old rivalries gone?   Those were the games that really mattered for the local folks.  Not the money.  Friendly rivalries at Thanksgiving are no more.


What are these new super conferences going to do anyway.  Have their own playoffs within playoffs?  They are simply going to be too big to truly resolve which teams are the best within the respective conferences.


One thing I will say, I hope that these kids that get lots of Name Image and Likeness money will be required to reimburse their respective Universities for the full cost of their room, board and tuition.  To give highly compensated kids making big NIL money free tuition and free room & board grants and scholarships would be nothing short of a crime, and would rightfully be highly offensive to taxpayers and/or other full tuition paying parents and students.


Speaking of which, my alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, which seems to be getting overlooked by many in the conference re-alignment discussions, was named by CBS Sports commentator as having the greatest all-time “Mount Rushmore” of big name football stars.  Yes, Pitt’s football stars are #1 and were put ahead of all today’s big name schools like Alabama, Ohio State, Notre Dame, Michigan, Oklahoma, Southern Cal etc etc.   And, of course, ahead of Penn State. After all, Pitt grads include Aaron Donald, Tony Dorsett, Dan Marino, Larry Fitzgerald, Curtis Martin, Mike Ditka, Darrelle Revis, Rickey Jackson, Chris Doleman, Russ Grimm, Jimbo Covert and, that great middle linebacker from those great 50s Detroit Lions teams, Joe Schmidt.  Pitt also claims 9, count ‘em 9 national football titles (albeit 8 were before WWII). See Bryan McArdo

Go Panthers !!  See

In any event, that’s all I’ve got right now.  Thanks for listening.


And oh…yes, the outfit.   My old Pitt cheerleader outfit.


I won’t tell yinz from when.


Anyway, this is Rufus Coldwater


Back to you Stony




Okay thanks Rufus

I was wonderin’ why you were wearin’ that Gawd awful

Blue and yeller outfit today.

…you look like…

Well I don’t know what

…how old is that outfit anyway


…don’tchya think it looks a might snug


ya might wanna think about a diet !


I don’t think Pitt’ll be beatin’ the door down

To get your cheerleading services again

…at least not any time soon….as in ever.


But don’t worry

we still luv ya


Okay  next up is a tune

That Suzi brung us from the garage

And when I think about it

It’s a perfect follow up

To  Rufus’s editorial

And the way he’s dressed.


Looking at the liner notes…

Peter Kelaher who posted

This next video

tells us that this tune was

to use his words:


“Released in 1966 on Parlophone,

this was The Morloch’s 2nd of three 45s.

The band was named

after “morloch” in H.G. Well’s classic,

“The Time Machine”. The song was written

by band members, Noel Neates & Laurie Crooks.

Sometimes regarded as the

1st psychedelic record produced in Australia,

the song, sadly, did not dent the Top 40”


With that said here’s

The Morloch


Time Machine


Yeah, I can dig that as they used to say…


Next up is another garage special

That our Assistant Executive Producer

Of Everything Suzi

has brung us up from downstairs

in our own garage


Trouble is the label is scratched off

Except someone has scrawled

In ink

Fruit Machine Willow Tree

On it


She says it’s great…

And since Suzi

Has such good tastes

We’ll take it on her recommendation alone

And give this tune a whirl


So here goes….


Okay now that we’ve given Yinz

Somethin’ a little on the smooth side

It’s time to windup tonight’s show with

A tune that tells us

And we quote:


Nutbush City Limits” is a

semi-autobiographical song written

by Tina Turner

which commemorates her rural hometown

of Nutbush in Haywood County Tennessee

Originally released as a single


United Artists Records

in August 1973,

it is one of the last hits

that husband-wife R&B duo

Ike and Tina Turner

released together.”


Here’s singer Beth Hart does a killer version

Of this tune

Along with one of GURU’s geeetttarr heroes

Joe Bonamassa


Here they give us a fabulous joint effort

Hart’s vocals are absolutely killer on this…


So let’s bring home tonight’s show with

Nutbush City Limits



Well,  that’s it

There ain’t no more


I sure do hope that you folks

Enjoyed tonight’s show

as much as I did.


So for Suzi, Buck, GURU

And Rufus

And all the other folks

…and critters

here at station DJ Ltd



And don’t ever let

Those gosh darned

nasty bed bugs Bite.





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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  Some factual background was provided by

articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


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