92 Jordan Dream Team v 60s NBA


[Editor’s Note:  This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played.  The transcript is in 3 parts.

(1.)The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post or  Jordan & the Dream Team v. 60’s NBA Stars; and  (3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]

Good evenin’ out there

Stony Riva here…


I don’t wanna start off

Soundin’ like some cheezy

Relationship guru

But Do you

Believe in love at first sight?


How about love at first listen?

Well, after you hear our first tune tonight

…a tune I heard for the first time

Just a few short hours ago….

You definitely will be a believer

….that is

Be a lover at first listen


Here are the Hawkmen

With  Under Your Spell





on a scale of 1 to 10

I give it an 11


I absolutely love

the  seductive way she hits those low notes.

I just wish there was more info about

the Hawkmen online

I’m not totally sure but

I think they are Brits

but great work


Okay next up is a tune

That many of Yinz remember

from many years ago with Wannabe DJ

…old fans would understand that reference…


But yinz newer folks it’s no matter

Every time GURU hears this tune

He just stops dead in his tracks

because one of his favorite Western singers of all time

is Marty Robbins…but our next artist is the other



Mr. Cash is probably in there somewhere too…but


It’s really amazing because this next artist

Has jazz and swing roots

But in many respects he may be best

known for his Western songs.


In the old days they called it

Country and Western music

And for that reason alone

He should be in the

Country Music hall of fame.


In fact all one has to do is

hear the first note of any song

that he sings

And it gives ya visions of cattle drives

And the gunfight at the OK corral.


This next tune has two versions.

One is a longer studio recording

that has totally different lyrics.

Here everybody gets to hear

the original cut done for the movie

with the same title


This is just a breathtaking tune

By Ned Washington and George Duning

Sung by the one and only

Frankie Laine…

I know yinz’ll enjoy

The 3:10 to Yuma





Hey all

Suzi here

Gosh I feel like a kid in a candy shop

Stony had

Shall we say

An Emergency

And slipped away for a second


But but but

He tells me he’ll be here

In one minuto

So don’t anyone worry


Cos that means

Y’all are very lucky

because I get to play somethin’

And I’ve always loved this next group

So here goes…




Yeah folks I’m back

that was Portugal the Man

But as we all know by now

they ain’t from Portugal

In fact they are a group

They were originally from Alaska

And began playing together in High School

They are fronted by John Gourley


And that great tune

Is  called

Live in the Moment


Well, Buck is over there

In the control room now

and is tellin’ me that

Our station manager is here

To provide the very last word

On yet another

extremely important topic


So everyone listen up because


Here’s Rufus Coldwater

With tonight’s Editorial



Hey folks

Rubis Coldwater here.


Let’s talk about something that I’m sure is causing most of you to lose a lot of sleep.


As you folks probably know this station and its content would not be possible without GURU.

And of course we all know that GURU has a few miles on him.


Anyway, GURU told me yesterday that he was readin’ somewhere where Oscar Robertson said that the 1960 “dream team” of American basketball would be beat the Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird version of the early 90s.  See: https://www.basketballnetwork.net/old-school/oscar-robertson-claims-that-a-1960-would-beat-the-1992-dream-team#:~:text=The%20Big%20O%20was%20never,Team%20was%20the%20greatest%20ever.


Wow!  That’s some pretty bold talk.  When I looked into this further, Oscar’s was cheating just a little because the 60’s team members he mentioned (we’re talking here only the starting five) were:  Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, Jerry West and Oscar Robertson himself.  And that lineup was not the lineup of the 1960 USA Olympic men’s basketball team, although all of those guys were playing in the NBA then, just like all of the 92 team.


The 90s dream team starting 5 for the U.S.  were Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley and  Patrick Ewing.


Now mind you.  GURU was/is a little biased because in high school he wore Elgin Baylor’s number for home games and he didn’t know about Michael Jordan (who wasn’t born yet but who wore GURU’s “away” number).


It would be a very interesting game for sure. If, however, I was the coach of the 60s team, my biggest concern would be whether Jerry West at a mere 6 foot 2 inches would be able to defend either of the 92 guards, both of whom were 6 foot 7 inches or better because of the size differential.  However, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the 60s team would totally dominate the boards and clog up the middle making it virtually impossible for the likes of Michael Jordan anyone else driving the lane.  But then again, were I coaching the 60s team I would also worry about defending the perimeter.  I mean expecting either Chamberlain or Russell to guard someone 25 feet from the basket might be a bit much, although both men were quicker than you might expect. But 92s team ain’t gonna stop Chamberlain if West or Oscar can get the ball inside to him.  Even Bill Russell, probably the greatest defensive center ever, could not really shut Wilt down.  So there’s no way Ewing and the Dream Team are gonna stop Wilt. No way. Chamberlain will score 30 or more and he and Russell will get most of the rebounds.  They always did.  Chamberlain’s only problem is (and it’s a big one) he can’t shoot free throws and that limits his offensive effectiveness late in a close game.  Russell, however, could pick up some of Chamberlain’s late-game offensive slack.


I frankly think who would win the game would depend on whether they were playing with a three point line or not.  Remember they did not have a 3 point line back in the 1960s.  I think 1983 was the first year of the 3 point line. The 60s team is clearly built for an inside game.  92s team would win if there was a three point line and they didn’t have a cold shooting night.


What are your thoughts?  We’re always glad to hear from everyone.   Anyway…


This Rufus Coldwater

Back to you Stony.



Okay, thanks for the change of pace Rufus.

Bein’ a former hoopster myself,

I especially enjoyed today’s edition.

P.S.  I once did my own analysis

If ya add the average per game stats for

Points per game

Assists per game

Rebounds per game

Plus add one point for

each team champtionship

Wilt and Russell

both have far better stats than

Michael Jordan,

or LeBron for that matter.

In fact, I think

Elgin Baylor is right there with Michael

…but it was several years ago I did my analysis

However I don’t think any of those stats

would have changed very much

since then ..

except LeBron’s may have changed a little

especially if he won more championships.




It’s time to look over here

at Suzi’s little pile

…well actually it’s just two 45s


Our next 2 tunes are from the garage

Our Executive Assistant Producer of Everything

…otherwise known as Suzi

Tonight submits for everyone’s enjoyment

Two tunes from the 60s

…maybe leakin’ into the 70s

From our station’s garage downstairs.


The first is a band from

Los Altos California

Who performed from roughly 1965 thru 69

And then have had a  resurrection

albeit with a different lineup since

Right around the turn of the century

The 21st that is.


But I think you’ll enjoy this next

piece of musical work



The Chocolate Watchband with   Sweet Young Thing   90




yeah, that’s a bobbin’ and groovin’

way to start the 2d half tonight


Next up is a tune

That Suzi found

And she says that our friend

Red Dog

Might like it


And, if Suzi’s research notes here

are correct then

This next artist was a singer songwriter

From the 60s through the 80s


And…very importantly,

He discovered Otis Redding

…thank you Mr. Young


But anyway, here he does his own singin’


Here’s Billy Young

With Suffering  with a Hangover




Alright then,


My fancy schmansy wrist watch

that I just bought

The make of which I will not say

…not without some financial inducement

Is chirpin’ away

And tellin’ me

That it’s time to bring this baby back to port.


I’m talkin’ about tonight’s broadcast


And that means

…Oh goody goody….

That next up is a tune by a group

That broke up way way way too fast

And anyone who’s been followin’ DJ Ltd for a while

Knows that we absolutely love this group

And, I just can’t help it

I heard this

during the drive into tonight’s show

And…well…that was it

It’s just gotta be played.


This is from the their farewell concert…

I guess it was back in the late 80s or so

And while they’ve since reunited here and there

I guess, this is kinduva climactic type performance

Of one of their best tunes


Danny Elfman, the lead singer/front man/primary composer

Of their tunes wanted to go on do musical composition for a lot

Of famous movies especially those by Tim Burton including

Batman, Spider man and a whole slew of other movies and


and he’s won several major awards.


I believe for this next tune

that he actually had a cold or something

But that doesn’t stop or affect him

…no, not one bit!

All of his tunes are really hard to sing.

(GURU says he tried to do it “live” and can attest to that)

How Elfman does it and play guitar and some of the

Other things he’s been known to do on stage

was and is simply amazing

…and this band.

meaning.the whole band

is always  as tight as a

a triple-wound gumband

For all Yinz

Who are not from the Burgh

that’s a rubber band.


…anyway they are simply top notch.


Oh well, enough said.


Here’s Oingo Boingo with

Cinderella Undercover




Well,  that’s it

There ain’t no more


I sure do hope that you folks

Enjoyed tonight’s show

as much as I did.


So for Suzi, Buck, GURU

And Rufus

And all the other folks

…and critters

Here at station DJ Ltd



And don’t ever let

Those nasty bed bugs Bite.





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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  Some factual background was provided by

articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT.  Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.


However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.


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