[Note:  The purpose of this blog is to enlighten and educate the reader about music and other current and important issues.  Typically, in Tick’s Notes and Tunes the article ( in this  case, Trump: Here Comes the Judge) appears as an editorial in the middle of the transcript of the radio broadcast. Please see the very bottom of this blog post for references and notes about the music and other links referenced herein.]


Hi folks

Suzi here


Gosh I’m so nervous….


As luck would have it

Stony had a flat tire


He’s on the side of the road somewherz

Jackin’ his…

…yes  Buck


….his car

jackin’ his car up





Look we’re on the air

So hush!


Never mind Buck folks


But no worries

Stony called and

Guarantees he’ll be here in a flash.


So I guess Y’all are stuck

With lil ole me

at least for a little while


Of course Stony sent me to the garage

this afternoon

to look for some tunes

for tonight

so I guess I have

at least SOME idea

of what he wants to do


Lookin’ at these


One record

I found may be of some interest




On the way up the steps

With this box

I passed

our friend Buck

who’s sitting over in the control booth now


In case Y’all don’t know

Buck’s a whiz

He’s our “go-to” guy

if Somethin’ needs to be done

That nobody can do.


And, he’s a big time music fan ta boot!


He saw what I was carryin’

And just burst out laughin


Buck has

Shall we say

a few miles on him

and he actually gave me a

little background on the

top record that was in the box

I was carryin’


Cos  I clearly don’t remember

This stuff …after all

I wasn’t even a glint in my daddy’s eye

When all this stuff was happenin’


Some of Y’all may remember the show

Laugh In,  back abouts ‘68 or so


Buck couldn’t remember

But he said he thought it might be

Was it Sammy Davis that you said Buck?

Or Maybe Flip Wilson?

He couldn’t remember


Anyway Buck said it was one of ‘em that

did a take off of our first tune?


Anyway…see if this stimulates

The old memory banks

For some of Y’all



Shorty Long  doin’ Here Comes the Judge


Well that got us goin’ alright

And thanks Buck for the history lesson


Ya know

I think Guru and Stony

Oughta be mixin’ it up

…the tunes that is….

More than they have


And when I think about it

I saw this first tune

On top of Stony’s dusty book shelf

In his….I guess we can call it

… an office


Anyway he told me once that

Our first artist was quite the jazz guy

Back in the day


Says here on the liner notes

That he was once part owner

Of the New Orleans Saints


And he won a Grammy for a tune called



He was also the trumpeter for

the TV theme song for some show called

the Green Hornet


But unfortunately,

he didn’t quite make it into the 21st century

He died in 1999.


In any event


Al Hirt with


I Love Paris


Not bad eh?

Not bad at all..


See I told Y’all that we need more jazz.


Next up the liner notes to this next dude’s album

Says he’s won 20 …count ‘em 20

Grammy awards !!


And no

he’s no relation to Mr or Mrs Grammy


Done did it on sheer talent alone.


Why in blue blazes hasn’t Stony played this guy?


Don’t tell him I told Y’all

But Stony’s nothin’ but

An overgrown teenager

With his rock n roll and all


Fine music

Is just too civilized for him


We’re talkin’

We need more jazz here.


So let’s hear what

Mr. Pat Metheny

Has for   us




Bright Size Life


Okay,  Stony called

And said he’ll be here in 5.

…minutes that is.


But that means

Y’all have to listen

To lil ole Suzi

For juuuuust a bit longer


…or for one more tune anyways

While he gets here.


So, here’s an artist my dad always loved

He was…

Country music’s

Entertainer of the Year a few times

Could sing some

Had a good comedic streak

Starred with Buck Owens

On that old country music

Laughin copycat show called “ HeeHaw”

Which seemed to run on and on and on

… gosh for decades


So it musta been a good time


Yeah,  Buck’s over thar

In the control boothe

noddin’ his head yes yes


shouldn’t you be workin’

or somethin’ Buck?




Most of all

Our next artist is

one heckuva guitar player




Roy Clark

with Good Ol’ Boy Plays a Mean Guitar


Okay folks time for school

Bossman Rufus is goin’ to lay it on us

With another of his editorials and

Some of that serious stuff again

I guess….

So here he is


It’s all yours Mr. Coldwell.



Hey folks! And thank you Suzi….and by the way… great great job!


Yes, it’s that time but I guess we’ll go easy on everyone.  After all, it IS a holiday.


We here at DJ Ltd just wanna wish everyone a happy Memorial Day.


An incredibly important week is coming up.  The conclusion of the, so far, only criminal trial of a U.S. President in American history. Let’s just hope the media and our public officials, don’t try to poison the result by being overly aggressive and partisan their reporting of the happenings in Donald Trump’s case in New York.  And more importantly, let’s also hope the jury up there reaches an honest and unbiased decision that is based on the law and the evidence, and just as importantly, that it’s verdict whatever it is, is respected by the public and politicians of all pursuasions.  That may be a very tall order, but one can only hope.


Drive safe everyone and have a happy Memorial Day.


Ah! I see that Stony is back now.

So, back to you Stony…



Thanks Rufus.


Hey folks

Stony here

Sorry for the delay


Thanks sooooo much to Suzi

for fillin’ in


What a job girl!!

Rufus doesn’t pay ya enough!


Let’s all give a round of applause

for Suzi!….not that she can hear Yinz.


okay okay

Good job !!  Good job !!  Simply amazing.


And so is Roy Clark


I had almost forgotten how truly great

Clark was with the axe



Next up we gotta guy

Who I will tell ya

I’ve seen him and

When he walks out on stage

This dude

Can part the clouds

Clear the sky

And and just turn on a crowd

Like nothin’ you’ve ever seen


He’s a Jersey boy but here

He and the E Street Band

are doin’ a live gig

In London


This has always been

One of my favorite

Bruce tunes


He’s a guy who needs no


The tune is…

“Going Down”


Yeah Bruce Springsteen can always getchya goin’

That’s for sure.


And for yinz

Music buffs out there

it looked like the capo was at the second fret

Raising the pitch one whole step

From standard tuning

And yes, Bruce was anchoring with his right pinky/ring fingers

Playin’ an absolutely gorgeous Fender Telecaster.


In any event

…since Bruce

And the E Street gang

has kept us

In a rockin’ mood

That will be a perfect segue

Into our power-hitting cleanup spot


And it is a really great tune

And its just the kind that GURU and I love


Obscure…not well known

…but it rocks


Nobody knows much about this band

Apparently they only ever cut one record.

Which was this one in 1966.


But like I said

I think you’ll enjoy

The Catsanovas

doin’ one of the only two tunes

they ever recorded…


I Want to be Loved


I think I do hear a slight Kinks influence in that tune

Maybe that’s why I like it so much



that’s gonna do it for tonight folks



for GURU, Suzi

And me,


And yes, you too Buck


I’m Stony Riva


Yinz are the best


Thanks for listen’

Thanks for watchin’


Until next time


And don’t let those

Gosh darned bed bugs bite.





All links to all videos are to offsite URLs.  Some factual background was provided by

articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by Wikipedia.


No part of this blog was written by artificially intelligent software.


Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is unintended and coincidental.


© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved


*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like.  It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.