[Unless otherwise noted, nothing on our site is or was written or knowingly influenced by any artificially intelligent software. It’s just we humans writing this stuff. Imagine, a few of us still do that!]




Lest there be any doubt please know that we assume that most of us want democracy, and that despite some of its shortcomings that the United States Constitution is a great and wonderful outline of a very desirable, if not the most desirable, form of government on the face of the Earth. Assuming our societal goal is peace with a reasonable amount of personal security and as much freedom and ability to determine our own futures as is reasonably possible, we ask: Is any or all of the following incorrect or misguided?


Here’s the way we size things up.


  1. The internet, advances in communication and travel related technologies, have made the entire planet more interconnected. Increasingly, the problems we face are problems that have dire consequences not only for people in the United States but for all of mankind as well.  This means that, like never before,, it is increasingly urgent for nations to learn to cooperate and get away from more competitive, if not combative, philosophies when it comes to international relations.  Unfortunately, this is not likely to happen in an era where we see the rise of more militant types of nationalism in so many places, including, unfortunately, the United States.   World government is an unappealing and scary idea, but somehow, someway, all nations are going to have to learn to live together much better than we have recently or we are all at risk.  At risk of what depends on how the issues discussed below are addressed.  Suffice it to say, however, that the risks are not only existential, but the continued viability of self-government, freedom and of democracy itself will also be sorely tested if people don’t learn to compromise and get along better.  This is a major reason why, it is profoundly important for citizens to elect public officials who have the ability to work with people who have opposing ideas.


We list the above first simply because many if not most of what follows depends on the election of practical leaders who have the ability to work with others and that includes those who belong to an opposing party.  The issue of dealing with extremists, terrorists, militants and thugs we will leave to another article.


  1. The consequences of the development of artificial intelligence cannot be exaggerated and if mankind doesn’t destroy itself first with the proliferation and development of hypersonic and other super sophisticated nuclear weapons, this is probably the biggest issue facing mankind. In fact, the belief here is that artificial intelligence is the single biggest issue facing mankind.  Events in Ukraine and in other volatile global hotspots, however, will, unfortunately, distract our attention from this super-important fact.  Artificial intelligence is an issue that must be addressed by all nations in a manner similar to nuclear weapons—except that all efforts in this regard  must be more effective and successful.  Enforceable treaties must be reached or we will see an arms race largely dependent on how fast various nations, and/or even terrorists, develop their respective artificial intelligence capabilities.


Artificial intelligence, or AI as it is known, will not only have military applications but it will also have other revolutionary effects in virtually every other area of life. One major one, of  course, is jobs and the effect that it will have on everyone’s income.  An enormous number of people will suffer Job loss or a loss of income and/or status.   Retraining for new jobs takes time.  Naturally all of this will have tremendous effects on the mental health of people and family relationships. How will this ultimately affect the affordability of housing and the amount of money society spends on mental health?  The list of areas affected here goes on and on.

No doubt, many of the effects of AI will be very good. The major problem however is, that no one, repeat no one actually knows, or for that matter, has any idea of exactly what those consequences will be.  And this is true, regardless of how many advanced computer science degrees they have and regardless of how well intended they are.  Given the enormous amount of power and influence AI will have on everything, and the fact that no one knows what it’s exact consequences will be,  developers of AI must be held responsible by the U.S. and other governments for the consequences of the actions.  If AI causes it, its developer must be held accountable if something goes wrong.

As such, the developers of artificial intelligence must be held both civilly and criminally responsible for the consequences of the the AI programs that they develop.  The developers of AI, who often happen to also be internet and tech giants, cannot not be trusted to self-regulate themselves.  Their goal is only further profit and, most likely, the accumulation of more power and influence over political processes.   They’ve already shown that they want to know everything about us, which, it so happens if very useful in allowing them to ultimately control us.  We need governmental licensing and strict bonding requirements for AI developers.  And, just as importantly, similar treaties need to be reached on a whole laundry list of potential AI applications, especially those related to defense and national security.


Frankly, all of the foregoing should have been considered long ago by our political leaders.   The fact that ChatGPT and the like has been set free in the public domain without some kind of controlled release with some kind of governmental licensing requirements is alarming and may yet have devastating consequences for the entire World.  Instead, far too many of our politicians are only interested in power, raising  cash and getting re-elected.

Beyond all the foregoing, one has to note the consequences of wide open totally unregulated marketplaces.  Yes, this is capitalism at work.  Don’t get us wrong, capitalism is great at generating wealth, has many advantages and is largely responsible for making the United States what it is.  However, just like eating too much chocolate, too much of even a good thing can lead to bad results.  Balance is needed.


We will continue this article with discussions of other vital issues in future installments.









Time to chill.

Time for some tunes.


Out of an abundance of respect for a group

That clearly was a major influence on….so many

And so  much

I include the following

..which all students of rock should know


The band in question had a turbulent history

To say the least.


Eric Clapton played with them from 1963 to 65

Jeff Beck joined in 65 at the suggestion of Jimmy Page

…whom Clapton had recommended to replace him (Clapton)

in the group when Clapton left

But  Jimmy P initially declined .recommending Jeff Beck instead

Beck played with the group from 65 to 66

During Beck’s tenure

Jimmy Page had a change of heart and decided to join the band

….but initially as bass player because the bass player left !!

…but eventually he took on guitar playing responsibilities

And he eventually came to the forefront when Beck left.

(to be clear Jimmy P has always been primarily a guitar player

And earlier in his career had been a studio session guitarist

Helping other bands cut records).


The band as a whole more or less ended (I think)

When their lead vocalist

Keith Relf;

Died while practicing an electric guitar

that wasn’t grounded properly

…he was electrocuted


OUCH !!!!  to say the least



But the Yardbirds clearly were a major influence

on rock music in the mid to late 60s and beyond


Here’s one of their most famous tunes

And this was when Jeff Beck

Who recently passed

Was in the group


Yardbirds  Shapes of Things



DDL                              Feb 20, 2023


© Copyright 2023; David Dixon Lentz;   All Rights Reserved