[Editor’s Note: This is the latest edition of Tick’s Notes and Tunes. It is a transcript of a fictional radio broadcast with direct links to the tunes being played. The transcript is in 3 parts.
(1.)The first is the first half of a transcript of the radio broadcast with tune links; (2.) The Editorial: (which normally deals with the subject in the title of this post). Comments on the Ominous Power of Elon Musk ; 3.) The second half of the radio broadcast with tune links.
The purpose of this blog is to discuss, enlighten and educate the reader about relevant political, economic and business matters and to help maintain both a record and an appreciation for good old man-made music before AI makes man and real music a mere afterthought. ]
Hey folks
Stony Riva here
Along with
And Rufus, who is still undecided
As to whether he wants to do
An editorial tonight…we’ll just
Have to wait and see..
GURU was
On tour in Katmandu
Last we heard
I guess they’ve already had
Their New Year there.
He’s probably OD’ed
Or hungover
On that spiked
goats milk concoction
he was mumbling about
Oh well to each his own
I guess it
Sounded deeeellllisssh….
And if Yinz believe that
I got some rather marshy
Real estate on the market
You may be interested in
In any event
Another one is behind us
Gosh it’s amazing.
I actually sat down yesterday
And figured
That, if I live as long as my parents
That I have about 4600 days left
To do whatever I’m gonna do
On this planet
So with that in mind
Time is a wastin’
Let’s get started
First up is a live radio performance
We’ve played before
And frankly I find it to be
Just amazing
This guy and his band are so talented.
I love the look on his face.
It’s a very interesting combination of
Concentration and what appears to be
But trust me
This group and this guy
Have everything under control
According to the Oracle of Wiki
He’s from Los Angeles and was
Born Bek (no c) David Campbell
Also known as Beck David Hanson
But more commonly
As simply Beck
His musical compositions are influenced by
many different genre’s including
Folk, funk, soul, hip hop, alt rock, country
Electronica and psychedelia.
He counts Tom Petty and Johnny Cash
As fans.
Enough said
Here’s Beck with a tune I really like
Up All Night
now that we got the juices flowin’
Next up is video that I would play
Just to hear/see the reaction of
the Gentleman of color
in the ball cap
Who says he’ll take two
But don’t get me wrong
it is a great tune.
This is an alt-rock band
From Sacremento probably best known
For the tune “The Distance”
Here’s another entertaining
And somewhat amusing tune by
With their hit Short Skirt Long Jacket
The German guy who misses the “rising action” must be
a musician. He’s probably referring to dynamics
varying the sound between soft and loud
which is a technique composers use to
make the music more dramatic and/or interesting.
What worries me is that
I’m getting to be just like the gray bearded guy
Who didn’t want to hear any more
Because everything according to him
was better in
In some long gone decade of the past
….in his case the 40s
As in 1940s !!!
(Now remember this video was probably recorded
At least 20 years ago…..so guess what
That equates to the 60’s today..
Does that remind anybody of
Next up is yet another group
That I marveled at
This group is headed by
John Gourley
And I for one have consistently
Nominated their tune
Feel It Still in 2017
For song of the decade.
they are originally from Alaska
And all pretty much went to
The same High School
This is another great tune by them.
Portugal the Man with Atomic Man
yeah that’s a good tune.
As GURU tells it
He remembers sitting in the student union
At a moderately famous
Mid-Atlantic University
That apparently worships Spiders
Studying for the most important exam of his life
When the leadoff tune of the
This next group’s first album
Came on.
GURU says
That he thought it was Bob Dylan
And was amazed at how well he was singin’
And how great his geeetttar guy was
But as he found out later
He was listenin’ to
this next great British band
Who needs no introduction
Yeah and I have to concur
their first album was just great
From top to bottom.
In fact, there’s very little fluff
Or filler in
any of this next group’s albums.
You simply can’t go wrong
Buying one.
And if Chet Atkins gives ya
His nod of approval
You must be pretty darned good
At playin’ your six string.
…which Mark Knopfler definitely is…
Anyway this is one of my favorite tracks off
Of that very first Dire Straits album
Way back in the late 70s.
Enough said
It’s time to enjoy
Six Blade Knife
Alright that brings us to half-time
And everyone knows what that means.
It’s time for our station manager Rufus
As in Coldwater
To lecture us about things
We’d rather not hear.
But the sooner we get on with it
The sooner we can come back
And listen to more great tunes
Take it away Rufus….
Thanks Stony
Just a word here. I’ll keep it short.
Let’s all get down on our knees and pray to the Almighty that when he’s sworn in Trump takes a more conciliatory tone towards folks who did not vote for him and that he stays true to the Constitution. Let’s also pray that a man who’s personal wealth exceeds the gross domestic product of all but 34 countries, who owns controls or runs everything from companies involved in the development artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, outer-space (both its exploration and in deploying communication and other satellites), brain-computer interfacing, tunnelling, highspeed rail. And social-media communication to name just a few, remains loyal to our Constitution and is not a closet dictator. Heaven help us. Musk scares the devil out of me. His vast business interests are above us, below us, in our brains and in artificial intelligence.
And, get this. Musk is currently appealing a Delaware judge ruling voiding Tesla shareholder approval of a bonus…yes a bonus worth anywhere from $50 billion (with a B) to $100 billion all depending on stock values on the distribution date. Only three countries have a defense budget in excess of $100 billion. The U.S. China and Russia. Only 10 countries have defense budgets exceeding $50 billion. And according to the Independent, citing in part Musk’s business connections with China and his alleged communications/meetings with Putin, Retired Lieutenant General Russel L. Honoré has stated that Musk is a national security threat.
And has anyone out there noted that Musk contributed $270 million (with an M) to Trump’s campaign. How can Musk not be owed some huge political favors by Trump and heaven knows how many other Republicans? What does it take to wake Americans up? Even if you are a MAGA supporter, the sheer power Musk has can be turned on you in one nanosecond. And you should realize this, just like every American should.
That this is happening in our country is, to my way of thinking, absolutely our worst national nightmare. What do I mean by “this”. I mean the Oligopoly that has, seemingly overnight, grabbed hold of our nation via Trump and/or the obliviousness of it to ….. Well, I’ll just spare everyone from hearing what I’m really thinking.
And where was Fox News while all of this was happening?
I’ll leave it there. It’s beyond shocking. I can’t sleep at night.
I can’t even bring myself to say it, but in the spirit of soldiering on, I’ll just say. Happy New Year Everyone and may God save America because apparently we can’t.
This is Rufus Coldwater.
————————– ————————————
Rufus you never disappoint.
And you’re definitely a hard act to follow
But okay folks
As my dad used to say
Shake it off….
Let’s get back in the grove
And boy so we do….
We kick off the second half with
a man who needs no introduction.
This is off of the second album produced by Rick Rubin
Who we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to,
if for no other reason than the album
from which this next tune was taken, and the album
that preceded it… they both resurrected the career
of one of country music’s greatest legends
right when it looked like his career was over.
This is a cover of a Soundgarden tune that
Rubin insisted that Cash do.
If you’ve ever heard the Soundgarden version
you’d understand why Cash thought Rubin
was absolutely crazy for suggesting this tune.
The other thing one notices about this rendition
Is that Cash is backed by
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
And yes they were in the studio with Cash for this.
And once again Mr. J.R. Cash makes yet another tune
All his own.
Here’s …
Johnny Cash singin’ Rusty Cage
Next up we have a tune
That our Assistant Executive Producer of Everything
Brung us about a year ago
Up from the deepest
Darkest dungeon
…I’m talkin’ about
Our garage.
And it’s one of my favorites.
When we played this tune last time
I couldn’t find anything on them.
Well, I must confess
I got weak
And resorted to AI.
The Chat version
And by dingies
If it didn’t find some good info
Very interestingly this group
Who have played under various names
Are/were from Salem Ohio
Recorded 4 tunes
One of which was…..drum roll
A cover of The Who’s
“I Can’t Explain”
Now anyone who knows anything
About me and GURU
Knows that we idolize The Whosters.
So these guys obviously have good taste…
With that said
This next tune was recorded
By them under
their nom de guerre
At the time Sound Barrier
back in 1966
In any event
Here they are doin’ a great tune called
Hey Hey
Well folks, Buck is in the control booth just a windin’
And crankin’ his arms
And Yinz all know what that means
Yep….it’s time to wrap things up
And get onto 2025.
We dedicate this last tune
To one of our biggest fans out there
Good ole Red Dog.
RD is a soul and motown man and loves our clean up artist.
And I think it’s appropriate here because
Autry DeWalt Mixon Jr. that’s his real name
Was a Midwest musician before he was discovered
By one of the very first movers and shakers
In Motown. Harvey Fuqua
Anyway after hearin’ Rufus
I just wanna hear somethin’ that let’s my spirit free
I wanna fly
And Autry who is
More famously known as Junior Walker
Along with his Allstars will definitely
Hit the spot
With tonight’s great
Legendary Cleanup tune.
Here, to conclude 2024 and put us on the path
To a brighter 2025 is….
Junior Walker & the Allstars doin’ Roadrunner
Well folks that’s it for tonight
I hope everyone stays safe
Don’t drink and drive
Hand the keys to that designated driver.
For Suzi
Rufus….and GURU
Who’s probably out drinkin’ with some Gurkha
In downtown Katmandu
I’m Stony Riva sayin’
Don’t’ let the bed bugs bite
And, of course,
Happy New Year
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All links to all videos are to offsite URLs. They are not contained on our site. Some factual background was provided by articles on the various artists, the linked tunes and other topics discussed herein by the associated articles in Wikipedia and/or by Chat GPT. Generally, all references to the “Oracle” are to the relevant Wikipedia article usually specifically covering the artist or song being discussed.
However, no part of this blog article was actually written by artificially intelligent software.
Please note that the names and descriptions of all characters are fictional and any similarity with any actual person is totally unintended and coincidental.
© Copyright 2024*, David Dixon Lentz All Rights Reserved
*Copyright claim herein applies only to the content contained in this article/blog post that originated with the David Dixon Lentz and not to any quoted or referenced material originating from another source and the like. It does not apply to any music, lyrics, videos or other content contained in or on any linked site, including any of the words, lyrics and/or the performance of any music or videos contained on the sites linked.
All questions, comments and/or objections to anything contained herein should be directed to the ownership of www.reasonandbalance.com on the “contact” or “contact us” page. Any singer, instrumentalist, band, musician, painter, photographer, music publisher or other artist or company of any type who owns or otherwise has appropriate legal rights to any music or other copyrighted material of any type linked on this site should just contact us and we will promptly remove same from this blog.