What is the purpose of life? Where does religion fit into this determination? Where does logic and reason come into play? Do the answers to these questions dictate a certain form of government? Read More …
Tools to Enlighten
What is the purpose of life? Where does religion fit into this determination? Where does logic and reason come into play? Do the answers to these questions dictate a certain form of government? Read More …
video . It deals with tritones (otherwise known as the Devil’s Interval), power chords (often used in rock) and suspended chords, otherwise known as “sus” chords. The psychological/emotional impact (speaking in a streetwise, and not a medical sense) on the listener is emphasized. Read More …
Attempting to come up with any set of universal and eternally valid rules is almost certainly futile. There are a multitude of reasons for this, but clearly one of the most important is that everything is changing. In fact, technologically speaking change is occurring at ever increasingly changing rates. We simply do not and cannot Read More …
Major and minor musical chords and scales are compared. Dominant seventh chords in rhythm and blues and rock and roll are aslo described and explained. Examples on piano and guitar. David Dixon Lentz discusses. First musical blog post and video at reasonandbalance.com, Read More …